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Chuck and Blair on Valentines <3 Happy Valentines Day to y'all!

he falls asleep whispering
sweet nothings into my neck

if his words left their mark,
i'd have no blank space left

- LR

She was standing the farthest from him, clearly guilt tripping him for what he did today. It was Valentines, not Blair's favorite but still, the day was special for her. Apparently, not to Chuck.

She had hoped for a bouquet of flowers or a box of Macaroons welcoming her as soon as she woke up but those had never happened.

Instead, Dorota stepped in with the news that Chuck left early for a business meeting in Australia. Some issues about Jack he had to deal with.

It made her very upset. And he needed to know that to make sure he'd never do it again. For now, Chuck needed to learn a lesson.

Chuck, however, was smiling triumphantly while his girlfriend of 4 years gave her scary glares and eye rolls. She had no idea what he was doing, trying to make this night very memorable for her.

Cute. He thought. His smirk wasn't helping to tone down Blair's annoyance. But she had to get herself together. Chuck was hosting a big party, in honor of the successful achievements of Bass Industries and The Hotel Empire.

"Excuse me, may I borrow my girlfriend for a while?" He approached Blair and her group of "friends".

"What? I was talking to them." Blair crossed her arms, not looking at him. Chuck shook his head and pursed his lips to hide a smile.

"I get it, you're mad. But-"

"I'm not mad. I just want to enjoy the party and spend Valentines with these people whom I barely know. Now please, excuse me, I have business to attend to."

Yeah, she was very, very mad. Chuck nodded at the guy he hired, telling him it was time. He couldn't take it anymore. An angry Blair for Valentines Day was definitely not what he wanted.

Blair gasped a little when the lights turned off. The crowd's murmurs made her a bit nervous, making her walk slowly to try and find Chuck.

Hitting a few people along the way, she decides to stop and wait for some of the staff's instructions.

She sighed heavily when the lights came back on again, this time a dimmer version. What surprised her wasn't the lights though- well, partly. What caught her eyes were the hanging pictures from the high ceilings of the venue.

The whole room had been filled with their pictures. She spotted some with Serena and Nate, too but majority of the hanging photographs were hers and his.

Blair suddenly feels the hot tears form in her eyes, not caring if they were gonna fall in front of hundreds of people.

"Are you still mad?" Two pair of arms were now wrapped around her waist, as his familiar voice whispered those words in her ear.

"Chuck. . ." She says his name in a way she never has before, her heart swollen with joy and excitement when she realized she was wrong about him being a careless boyfriend on Valentines.

"I'll be right back." People were staring, admiring the sappy version of Chuck Bass as he kissed her cheek and made his way to the stage.

"Sorry, everyone, if you thought there had been problems with the electricity. Truth is, this night wasn't for the Bass Industries' success. It was actually all for the woman who had always believed in me, found me in the darkest of times, helped me stand back up when I couldn't. All for my partner in everything." Chuck looked at Blair, the crowd's eyes following his.

Blair loved attention. She did, but at that moment all she ever cared about was Chuck's eyes that locked with hers. He was sappy as hell but she wasn't complaining anyway.

"Blair, you know I'm not usually this sweet but after everything you've done for me, I couldn't help myself but to give you a little something for Valentines. Seeing you very upset because of a 'stunt I pulled' this morning honestly made me want to cancel this event so I can spend the day with you together." He chuckled.

The audience were in awe. Chuck Bass was so in love. And it had been with Blair Waldorf.

"For Valentines, I've decided to show you, and everyone, I guess, just how much the past 4 years have been the best years of my life. Without you, I wouldn't be here. Happy Valentines, Blair. I love you." He gave her a small smile before walking off the stage.

Blair grinned and wiped the tears away. She was once again, swept off her feet by the one and only, Chuck Bass.

"Are you still-"

"I love you. I love this. I'm sorry for being all annoyed on you. I had no idea you had this surprise planned." She pressed two fingers in his lips, not allowing him to smile.

"Now that I have made it up to you, it's your turn to make it up to me, Waldorf. What do you say we take this upstairs? Let these people have their own Valentines night." He flashed a smirk in which she returned.

"That sounds wonderful." Grabbing his tie, she pulls him closer and both arrive in their room in no time.

Immediately attacking her with hot kisses, they move to the bedroom to spend their Valentines just like how Blair imagined.

It was a long night of deep conversations, endless 'I love you's, soft touches and kisses. She was no longer upset. And his efforts had clearly been paid.

The two were even, and satisfied. But not quite perfect yet.

"I just want a cuddle." He protested when Blair put the robe around her body. "Come on, Blair. You owe me." It was 8 am in the morning.

"Yes, I do and now it's time I repay you by taking you out on a special trip today. Let's go, Bass. Get your ass up and change." She steps into the bathroom to finish her morning routine.

In the end, Chuck still obeyed. When did he ever win against Blair anyway.

Blair looked out the window, a wide smile on her face when she saw what she wanted to see.

"I suggest you put on a jacket. Or a coat. 2 layers. Actually, make it 3."

It was snowing. Snow in February had finally arrived. "Wait, it's snowing already?" Chuck asked, confused.

He was not the one to pay attention to these kinds of things. Blair only nodded and tied her boot's shoelaces.

"Come on, Chuck! Look!" She beamed. When he saw the little set up in front of him, he couldn't help but chuckle.

He stepped closer to the table buried in the snow where it had some of his old scarves, some sticks, buttons, a few carrots and finally, some headbands.

"We'll be making snowmen?" He asked, smiling like a fool.

"Yes! But you get to design yours and I get to design how mine's gonna look like. It's going to be fun, Chuck! It won't top what you did last night but still, I think this is also quite romantic." Her cheeks were flushed. She was secretly hoping he'd at least appreciate her efforts.

"I love you. I love you for doing this, and Happy Valentines Day, my love. You make me very happy." He cupped both of her cheeks and kissed the tip of her nose.

He did not only appreciate her efforts but he also appreciated everything she did. For the past 4 years, maybe even for the past 12. All his life, she'd always been the one to stick around.

And he loved the thought.

In conclusion, the two brunettes spent their whole Valentines day by telling everyone that they were meant to be and nothing or no one would ever be capable of breaking them apart. Because they were Chuck and Blair. And Goddamnit the name alone already sounded powerful.

Plus, they made countless snowmen and snow angels too.
Leave some reviews! I have now decided to leave some of my favorite poems from Lili Reinhart's book of poems called Swimming Lessons.

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