Author's Note

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So I've never really tried anything like this before. This compilation of oneshots are my own imagination about the times when good timing wasn't exactly Blair and Chuck's strong suit.

As I was watching the show, B and C were always on and off and it pissed me off, of course. THE AMOUNT OF TIMES THEY BREAK UP IN THE SHOW MAKES ME WANT TO THROW HANDS AT THE WHOLE GG CREW.

And as a coping mechanism, I have decided to make this "book of short stories." This is pretty much me, describing my dreams because y'all I have been having ENDLESS Blair and Chuck dreams ever since I fell in love with them at Victrola.

Some are continuations of cliffhangers or specific scenes like:

The Empire State Building

Their car accident in Season 5

Blair's baby with a plot twist

Chuck and Blair planning the whole 'trading the hotel' thing

Louis and Blair's wedding

The 'I don't love you anymore' scene

Season 2, episode 13

I have more but you'll have to find out what the others are. I MIGHT make my own storylines if I do get ideas which barely happens but you can always send me some.

I hope this won't flop because I genuinely do exert effort into my writing and as a teen, I know my vocab isn't that good. I still have some dictionary reading to do but for now, I'll use this as a way to practice and to hopefully flatter people who reads this.

Much Love,


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