Chapter 7: Enter the Hunters

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The girl smiled at me. "You can call me Artie. What's your name?"

"I'm Rhea." I noticed a flash of something in Artie's eyes, but dismissed it as just interest. "Um... Are you a demigod?"

Artie shrugged. "I can be whatever I want to be. But I can't stay long. I just wanted to let you know before the Hunters of Artemis show up that there are many choices for the future. Remember that..." With that, Artie snapped her fingers and disappeared in a poof of silver dust. 

I tried not to ponder what she meant by 'I can be whatever I want to be'. That's not possible, to just change form when you want to...

Blinking, I saw Anna and Jack coming into the range. I tensed up, remembering our other encounter earlier. I also decided not to tell them about the mysterious girl that had vanished into thin air... literally.

"Hey... Um... We just wanted to apologize for what happened earlier," said Anna.

I shrugged, pretending to be cool when I was still totally steamed at both of them. But they were my only friends here... Other than Willow and maybe Colin. But they were like sibilings, so it's different. These are the friends I hope will stay with me for a long time. Like Mom and Dad when they met. She told me they started off as enemies, then sort of friends, and it kind of escalated from there. Like, waaaay escalated. Mom likes to tell me about how the first kiss she and Dad had shared was a surprise and forced. She laughs now, but I know it must have not been funny when it was her...

I knew Anna liked Jack, and Jack wasn't interested in dating right now so she was kind of stumped. I saw her sad expression when she tried to get his attention and he was just oblivious to her. It's kind of sad, the way we can hurt each other so easily without trying...

"Do you wanna maybe go down to the beach?" Jack asked. "Maybe we can... I dunno, talk this out?"

I shook my head. "I don't want to talk this out. This is my mom, and I am plenty prepared. I am going on this rescue mission whether you like it or not. Capiche?"

Anna sighed. "We talked to Chiron and he said that he agreed with us. It would be safer to let older campers--"

"No!" I yelled. "Just stop it! I don't care what you say, I am going to rescue my mom!" I snapped at them, causing Anna to take a step back. 

"Calm down. We're just saying--"

Fire coursed through my veins. "You're just saying I shouldn't go and save my mom. That's what you're saying. You're saying that because I'm new I won't know what to do in a difficult position. I dare you to name a situation and I will answer with the proper response." I crossed my arms, waiting.

Jack glanced at Anna before saying, "You come up against a cyclops alone. You have no weapons and you're too far away from the rest of your group to yell for help. What do you do?"

I snorted. "First off, I now know how dangerous the world is and wouldn't be stupid enough to go off alone anyways, but hypothetically, I would use whatever is around me. A sharp stick, a rock, anything. Cyclopes aren't famous for being smart, so I would use that to my advantage..." I kept going, listing off things I would do.

When I finished, I saw Anna's mouth open a little. She whispered something to Jack, who nodded in agreement. 

I won't say I wasn't curious as to what they were discussing, but I decided to keep my thoughts to myself.

"We'll talk to Chiron about letting you go," Anna decided. 

I felt a grin spreading across my face. "Alright. I'm going to keep practicing."

As Anna and Jack left to convince Chiron to let me save my mom I sighed and continued shooting.


Two hours later, I felt a tap on my shoulder. The sun was just starting to set and the sky was glowing with purples, pinks, reds, oranges and yellows. I hadn't expected anyone else but Anna and Jack to come and confirm my quest, and they already had, so this was a shock to me. Turning around, I saw a girl. 

I had almost expected Artie again, but this was certainly not Artie. No, this girl was much different. Her blond hair was tied in a French Braid and she wore a gray t-shirt with a silver moon on it. Her sea-green eyes glimmered with what looked like tears. She looked about fifteen, so a little older than me and she stared at me in surprise and hope. Hope for what though?

"Um... Hi," I offered after she didn't say anything for a minute.

She reached out to touch me again, but recoiled her hand at the last second like she was afraid I was real. 

"Rhea? Is that you?" the girl asked. 

Confused, I nodded. "How do you know my name? I don't know you..."

Now, I was sure they were tears. "You don't remember me? Rhea, I'm Robyn. Your sister."

Alright. Now, this may be a little confusing for you people just joining us now, so let me tell you that I don't have any sisters, or brothers. 

I shook my head. "I'm sorry. You must be mistaken. I'm Rhea Montgomery. I don't have any siblings."

Now it was the girl's turn to look confused. "Montgomery? No, your last name is Orthys. Don't you remember?"

"I'm really sorry, Rory, Riley, Rachel, whatever your name is, but I'm not the girl you're looking for." I looked a little closer. "Hey... I haven't seen you here before. Are you new?"

"My name is Robyn, and no. I'm a Hunter."

Could this girl be any more vague? "I'm sorry. A... Hunter?"

Robyn nodded. "A Hunter of Artemis." She wiped away a tear that was snaking its way down her cheek. "Didn't Chiron say we were coming?"

Then it clicked. In order to save my mom, we had to wait for the Hunters to join us because they were good trackers or whatever. "I remember now. Some of you are going to help save my mom."

"Excuse me?"

I explained about my mom's kidnapping and how Chiron said that the Hunters would help us. "So, after Capture-the-Flag, I think Chiron is going to select a few Hunters to help."

Robyn tipped her head to the side and I waited for her answer. "What's your mom's name?" she asked. 

"Kat Montgomery."

Robyn jerked her head up. "What did you just say?" she demanded.

"Kat Montgomery," I said a little slower.

Realization dawned in Robyn's eyes, but for what I don't know. "Does she have dark, curly brown hair?"

I nodded, not knowing where she was going with this. "Do you know my mom?"

Robyn started to pace. "I used to," she said before sprinting up the stairs and running around the corner. 

"That wasn't weird at all," I muttered before packing up the bow and arrows. I should probably get back. Dinner will be ready soon... Maybe I'll run into this Robyn girl and get a little more information out of her. 

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