Chapter 14: Hannah's Visit

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Dear readers,

Oh my goodness I'm such a horrible person for putting this off so long. I was just recently rereading some of my stories, trying to get some inspiration, when I started reading this one and freaked out that there wasn't another chapter. I was getting so mad at the author... before I realized I was the author. Oops. Well, I am sooooo sorry. Here's the next chapter. Please forgive me! Not only for updating so late, but for the super duper short chapter. I'm just so clean out of ideas. Sorry!



I ran to the others and we gathered around to talk about the note. There wasn't much to say, however, and we decided that we would ask around the town to see what the locals had seen, just like the note said, and just like how we had originally planned to figure stuff out.

When I woke up the next morning, Anna was already up. She was at the end of her bed with a laptop sitting on her lap. 

"Where'd you get that?" I asked groggily, nearly blinded by the bright screen.

She glanced over at me, her brown hair pulled away from her face by clips, revealing her freckled face. "Oh. I'm borrowing it from Ms. Shaw-Norbash. She said I could use it while we stay here."

I nodded and threw the covers off of myself. "I'll be back in a few," I said, planning to go have a nice warm shower. I gathered my change of clothes, toothbrush and toothpaste and started towards the bathroom.

"Take your time," she said distractedly.


When I came out, Anna was laughing with Jack about some meme-type something or other. I smiled at the sight of them being so loose around each other. I could totally pair them up. But that wasn't my job. I'd have to let it happen on its own.

"Hey, Jack," I greeted.

He looked over at me. "'Sup, Rhea? Why's your hair wet?"


He nodded in understanding and turned back to the screen. "Replay the video again!" he requested.

I walked over and looked at the screen as it showed a Youtube video of two owls. "What is this?" I asked. 

As I watched, one of the owls stood up, pooed all over the roof of the house the two owls were sitting on and then walked out of frame. The other owl just stared at the stream of liquid white poo as it dripped towards it. Then it just recoiled, but without moving its feet. It just stared. 

I laughed. Hard. "What the heck?! Is this all you've been watching? This owl pooping on his friend?"

"It could be a her!" Anna pointed out.

Rolling my eyes in mock frustration I relented. "Fine. The owl pooping on its friend."

"Thank you." She looked satisfied.

There was a knock on the door. I jumped off of the bed and walked to the door. Opening it, I saw Hannah waiting. She looked almost nervous. She was wringing her hands and scratching the back of her leg with her foot. 

"Hi, Hannah," I said, smiling.

"Hey, Rhea. Is... Is Jack there? Can I talk to him?" She looked down, seeming embarrassed. Her cheeks were flushed a light pinkish colour and she wouldn't meet my eyes. "It's kind of  important."

I nodded, not understanding exactly why she was nervous. "Yeah. Sure, let me get him." I poked my head into the door. "Jack? Hey, Hannah's here to talk to you. She said it's important." 

His face brightened, and at that moment, I realized why Hannah was so nervous. It was not exactly Hunter behavior to summon a boy. I guess summon is not the right word. It's not like he was someone she could just ask for and he would come to her just because. Perhaps the correct saying would be: It was not exactly Hunter behavior to request to speak with a boy.

Yeah, that's better.

As he walked out, I noticed Anna's downcast face. I sat next to her and wrapped and arm around her shoulders. "I'm sure it's nothing, Anna."

But was it nothing?

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