Chapter 18: Another Note

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I ran all the way back to the hotel, and I ran through the doors, sweaty and panting.

"Dear, are you alright?" asked Rachel, who was sitting at the front desk on the computer..

I smiled tightly. "Yeah," I panted. "I just went out for a little run. That's all."

She nodded, suspicious, but let it slide and went back to the computer screen.

I headed up the stairs to my room and realized that I didn't keep the room key with me. I knocked on the door, and Anna opened it a few moments later.

"Oh my gosh!" Anna cried. "We've been worried sick! You just left us! We had no idea where you'd gone! Are you okay? You don't look okay."

I sighed. I had expected her to be upset with me. "I'm fine, Anna. What about you? When I left, you and Jack were in a huge kerbuffle."

"Kerbuffle?" Anna raised her eyebrow. "What on earth is a kerbuffle?"

"You know," I said, "an argument. That's called a kerbuffle..."

Anna rolled her eyes. "Just come in. The others aren't back yet."

"When did you get back?"

"Actually, we just got back a few minutes ago. We spent awhile looking for you, but since this town is much bigger than it seems, we figured that you'd come back on your own."

I flopped on my bed. "Why is this quest so darn difficult?"

"Rhea, I think this is only the beginning," Anna's wavering voice said from the bathroom.

"What do you mean?"

"Come see this."

I hopped off the bed and walked to the door of the bathroom and stopped.

There, on the mirror, was another note, written on lined paper.

Do not treat this

As a vacation

Go to the place

Of education 


Dear readers,

Sorry for the short chapter. I'm only just starting to get this moving. I'm hoping to update more since it's the holidays.  


P.S. My birthday is in 2 days !!!

P.P.S. I wish you all a merry Christmas and a very happy holiday.

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