Chapter 6: Kidnapped

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"What do you mean kidnapped?" Mom couldn't have been kidnapped. She was way to strong and smart for that. She'd gotten away from the baddies way too many times to be taken now.

Dad sat down next to me. "Last night, I woke up hearing a scream. I knew it was Mom's so I ran out of the bedroom only to see the window open and blood on the floor. I ran outside, but there was no sign of her. I came here as soon as I could. I was hoping... I was hoping Chiron could initiate a search party to go looking for her. That's what we were just talking about."

I was stunned. "She was just... gone?"

"Yeah. I called the cops and reported a kidnapping but since I couldn't give them any information on the kidnapper they said they couldn't do much but they'd try."

Chiron broke in. "I think that this is serious and we need to get a search party together. However, it may have to wait. The Hunters of Artemis are coming. Artemis had some... business to take care of and she left the Hunters in the camp's care. They'll be here in a few hours. Could this wait until after they come? We could possibly make this a small search party. Just a few campers."

"This is my wife we're talking about," Dad snapped. "If you can't send out a search party immediately, then I'll look elsewhere."

Sighing heavily, Chiron said, "What if I allowed some of the Hunters to join in on this ... search party. They have quite a few good trackers."

"I just want Kat back," whispered Dad brokenly. "I don't know who I am without her." He clenched his hands. "When I find out who took her... They're going to pay," he muttered under his breath. 

Chiron put a hand on Dad's shoulder. "They should be here soon. When they come, I will talk to them about allowing a few of their girls on this trip."

Nodding slowly, Dad looked up at me. "I'll be going home. Do you know how to Iris-Message yet?"


"Alright. I'm going back home to help the police with whatever I can and if--when-- you find Mom I want you to Iris-Message me. Okay?"

I nodded. "Okay... I love you."

"I love you too, Rhea." He gave me a hug before nodding to Chiron and walking down the stairs and heading to Half-Blood Hill. I had no idea how he'd get home, but I trusted Dad. He always finds a way.


I rejoined with Anna and Jack who had let me speak with Dad and Chiron alone. "So? What'd they say?" asked Anna.

"My mom's been kidnapped and after the Hunters come we're going to send out a search party of campers and Hunters."

Jack's mouth dropped open and Anna closed it. "You're mom's been kidnapped?" Jack spluttered.

I nodded. The reality of it was finally sinking in. If we didn't find her, I would have to live without her. I didn't think I could do that. She had helped me through my bullying problem when I was in Grade 4, and there were still so many things I wanted her to see. My first boyfriend, my marriage, my first child... And not to mention all of those... other... personal things I had yet to go through.

"Alright, well, who's going on the rescue mission?" Anna put in.

I shrugged. "No idea. I'm guessing I'm going to be in it, you know, it being my mom and all..." Jack gave Anna a knowing look. "What?" I asked. 

"Well, it's just that you haven't had much training, and you aren't as experienced as some of the rest of us..." Anna said.

I stared at them. "Excuse me? I've learned more in one month than most demigods would learn in years! I'm plenty experienced!"

Jack put a hand on my shoulder, his brown eyes pleading. "The rest of us understand the world a bit better..."

"Understand the world better? I've been living in that world for my whole life. I know more about the world than you do, that's for sure."

Shaking her head, Anna said, "Listen. I think you need to cool down a bit. We'll talk to you in a bit."

Shocked, I watched them leave. Tears pricked in the corners of my eyes. Angrily, I wiped them away and promised myself I would prove them wrong. I would prove them all wrong. I was not that strange girl trying to fit in. I would show them all that I could fit in. 

I stalked off to the archery range, the one place I could always find solace. Snatching up a bow and some arrows, I positioned myself. Aiming, I calculated the velocity, and all the physics stuff you learn in high school, and let the arrow go. It embedded itself in the heart of the target, sticking there with its blue fletchings bright against the red. 

"Nice shot." I whipped around only to see a girl sitting in the bleachers. Her auburn hair was done in a French braid, showing off her silvery-gray eyes. Her pale skin seemed to glow as she smiled.

My cheeks turned red as I said, "Thanks... Um, who are you?"

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