Chapter 25: When Lyra Gets Tired...

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"Then she just disappeared," I finished, my eyes wide as I explained to Anna why I was so terrified.

Anna's eyes widened. "We need to to tell the others, like, now."

I nodded and got out of bed, slipping my bare feet into my shoes so that I didn't have to walk around in my bare feet late at night.

We both crept out of our room and rapped on the door of the room next to us: Lyra and Robyn's. No one responded, so we knocked a little harder. Still no response. I held my breath as I knocked loudly three times.

Finally, I faintly heard footsteps coming towards the door. There was a pause before the click of the door was heard and the door swung open.

Lyra appeared, looking like she just woke up from death and crawled up through her grave. There were bags under her eyes and her face looked drawn, pale, and weary. Her blonde hair was a bird's nest and was tangled like your earphones after you take them out of your pocket. "What." Even her voice sounded tired and annoyed.

"I, um, had a dream," I began.

Instantly, Lyra closed her eyes in exasperation. "That's nice," Lyra said, beginning to close the door on us.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, putting my hand on the door to stop her. "It's kind of important."

She sighed and opened the door a little bit more. "Can't it wait until morning?" She looked so hopeful that I began to feel a little bit guilty for disturbing her sleep. Then I remembered the reason I was there.

"Well, if you think that other Rhea visiting me in a dream isn't all that important, then sure," I said flatly.

Her eyes widened slightly so it looked like she was actually awake. "What do you mean, other Rhea visited you in a dream? She's dead. That shouldn't be possible."

I shrugged. "How should I know? All I know is that she's got my mom, and she's done something to ensure that my mom won't be able to escape."

"Did she say anything about a plan?" Lyra was suddenly much more aware and awake. "Actually, don't answer that. We should get everyone else together first."

Anna cleared her throat. "Um, hate to break it to you, but it's three in the morning. Maybe we could, I don't know, talk about this over breakfast? I doubt anyone will really be in the best shape to, you know, come up with a plan to stop old Rhea, rescue this Rhea's mom, and remember it, right now at this moment when everyone's practically dead."

Lyra looked conflicted for a moment, but she caved. "Fine. Tomorrow, at nine, we'll--"

"Sorry, but school starts at eight-thirty. Could we maybe do, like, seven forty-five?" I interrupted. 

She sighed. "Sure. Seven forty-five. Be downstairs in the breakfast area."

We nodded in confirmation. 

With a quick nod back, Lyra promptly closed the door in our faces. 

"Well, that was fruitful," Anna said emotionlessly.

I laughed shortly. "Yeah... Um... I guess we go back to sleep now?" 

She shrugged. "I guess so."

We walked back to our room silently, a lot weighing on our hearts. Well, mostly mine. I thought about Rhea, and how she had practically explained all of her motives to me in my dream. Then I thought about my mother and smiled to myself when I realized that she was only in trouble because she was too good a person.

I hoped to the gods that I would be that good a person when I got older.


Dear readers,

I know, I know, short. Sorry. A lot on my plate right now, with Metamorphosis being my main concern right now. Please, comment what you liked about this chapter, vote, and share to your friends!

Question for comments: What do you think Rhea's plan is?

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