Chapter 4: Where do I Belong?

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This boy, Colin, was one of the rudest boys I had ever met. His long blond hair hung down in his face over his brown eyes. He looked at me with distain as he leaned against the door frame of Cabin 7. "You're not a demigod?" he asked unenthusiastically.

I shook my head. "Well, not technically. I don't really know what--"

"You should know who you are. Only losers with no confidence don't know who they are." He blew his hair out of his eyes.

My cheeks flamed. "Well excuse me." I whipped around and stalked away from the golden cabin, which had a flaming sun emblem over the door.

Anna met me as I stormed away. "So? How'd it go?"

I glared at her. "I hate Colin. He's such a jerk."

"What did he do now?" asked Anna warily. "He does this to all of the new campers. Makes them feel awful. No one really likes him. Plus, he thinks he can tell the future. Pfft. As if. He can't tell the difference between his shoe and his own foot."

I laughed, despite the situation. "Are all children of Apollo that unwelcoming?" I asked.

She shook her head. "Hardly. In fact, most of them are really nice. There's this woman that comes by every once in a while and helps Chiron with archery. I think her name is... Lisa? Lilly?"

"Lizzy! Aunt Lizzy!" I cried. "She comes by?"

Anna snapped her fingers. "That's her name. And yeah. She comes by a few times every summer."

Jack met up with us. I was still dazzled by his amazing good looks. He must have movie stars for parents. "So? How'd it go?" That's exactly what Anna said... 

"I hate Colin."

Anna put her hands on my shoulders in a comforting motion. "He was a bit of a jerk to Rhea. Unwelcoming is the most accurate word."

"Again?" Jack glared over at the Apollo cabin and back to us. Then he sighed. "Well, now we can go meet some of the Nike kids. Dinner won't be for another three hours or so."


Laurel Wrethe (pronounced R-ee-th) was nicer than Colin, but a little more... competitive, shall we say. "You say you're from Canada? Do you know how to play hockey? I can. Maybe we can have a little one on one some time."

I hate how the first thing that comes to people's mind when they think of Canada is hockey. In fact, our national sport is LACROSSE not HOCKEY. It just irks me.

Anyway, Laurel kept questioning me until I said, "I don't play any sports except for archery, and I'm not sure that counts as a sport."

Laurel smiled. "I'm good at archery. Wanna have a contest?" I shrugged. She led me to the archery range and handed me a bow. "Here. You get one arrow. Closest to the middle wins. Got it?"

I nodded. This wouldn't be much of a problem for me. I always hit the target when I aim at something.

"Bows ready?" Laurel narrated. "Aim... And fire!"

My blue feathered arrow flew true and straight. Right into the heart of the target. Laurel's was an inch away from the middle.

She looked completeluy miffed that she'd lost, but she was a good sport about it. "Nice job," she said.

"Thanks," I replied.

 All of this had led me to nothing though. I mean, there ws nothing from either cabin that stood out to me. Not Nike's wings inside a crown of laurels, not Apollo's sun, nothing. I sighed. Would I ever find where I belong?

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