Chapter 38

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Author's Note: Hey guys! I just finished writing this chapter, and let me tell you, it was really exciting to write. This is the first chapter that is completely in Niall's point of view. The chapter is filled with a bunch of sweet, cute moments, that I hope you enjoy. Well, I'll let you guys get to reading. I love hearing from you guys, so leave a comment and vote to let me know you enjoyed it! =) --Ekat


Niall’s P.O.V.

            “Alex! Niall! Get up, Santa came!” Louis yelled, while jumping up and down on our bed.

            “You have got to be fucking kidding me,” I heard Alex groan in my arms. I just chuckled at them both. “Why are you in here waking us up at…FIVE IN THE MORNING?”

            “El told me before we went to bed last night to wake her up last,” Louis admitted, plopping down on our bed. “I figured I’d start with you guys.”

            “Oh I don’t think so,” Alex said, throwing the blankets off of her. “That bitch is getting her ass up. If I have to suffer, so does she.”

            “No Alex, she’ll get really mad,” Louis said with his eyes wide. “El’s not a morning person.”

            “Too fucking bad,” Alex retorted wrapping herself in her robe.

            “I see someone’s getting their first shot of pregnancy hormones this morning,” Louis mumbled under his breath, hoping Alex wouldn’t hear. The look on his face when he saw she did hear him was priceless. She stomped over to him, and grabbed his ear, before making her way to the door.”

            “Ow, ow, ow, ow,” Louis yelped while being dragged through the bedroom. “Why doesn’t Nialler have to come?”

            “Because he’s not the ass waking me up at five in the morning,” Alex said, trying to drag him out of the room, but Louis was holding onto the doorframe. I stuck my tongue out at him, while he sent me a death glare. Alex finally pried his hands from the frame, and dragged him back to his room. I heard the exchange of some colorful words, and then Alex came running back into our room, locked the door, and hopped back into bed with me. She cuddled up to me, and I just looked at her weird.

            “Lex… what did you do?” I questioned her with a raised eyebrow.

            “Let’s just say I bought us some time,” she said with a grin. Before I could push her more, I heard banging on the door. “Or so I thought.”

            “Alex Styles, open this door!” I heard Louis and Eleanor yell from the other side of the door.

            “Can everyone please shut the hell up?” I heard Liam yell from downstairs. “Some of us are trying to sleep. Don’t make me come up there.”

            You know things are bad when Liam starts using his colorful vocabulary.

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