Chapter 37

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Author's Note: Wow, over 5000 reads, and ranking in both Teen Fiction & Humor.... the support that you give this story is truly amazing! I can't even begin to thank you guys for all of the support! I hope you enjoy this new chapter, and like it as much as the others. I had a lot of fun writing this one, and I hope you guy enjoy it! --Ekat =)


Niall’s P.O.V.

            Alex and I have been back in Ireland for a few weeks already. It’s the day before Christmas, and Lexi hasn’t been acting like herself. She’s starting to worry me. The sparkle in her eyes that brightens up my day is non-existent. Instead, her eyes are clouded, as though she doesn’t know what to do with herself. During the day, she puts an act on for my family, but I can see right through it. When we sleep at night, I’ll wake up to find her shaking. Even when I wrap my arms around her, she doesn’t stop. When she thinks that I’m sleeping, I’ll listen to her talk to the baby, telling it that everything will be alright, and that she’ll spend her entire life making sure nothing bad will ever happen to it. It broke my heart seeing her this way. Ever since that run in with Tom, she’s been acting this way. I need to find a way to get my Lexi back, and I think I know where to start.

            When I walked into the kitchen, I saw my mum and Alex preparing lunch. I wrapped my arms around her stomach, and leaned my head down onto her shoulder. She smiled, and turned to me.

            “Can I help you Mr. Horan?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.

            “I hope so. You see, I have this date tonight, but I need my gorgeous girlfriend to join me. Do you have any ideas on how I can get her to go with me?” I asked her playfully.

            “I would say, that as long as there’s food, and a sexy Irishman, you can’t go wrong,” she replied with a smile. My mum just smiled at us.

            “Okay, so Lexi, I have dinner reservations at a local restaurant tonight for seven o’clock. Would you like to join me?” I asked her with a grin.

            “Well, I heard the word food, but now all I need is some sexy Irishman to ask me. Do you know where I can find one Maura?” she asked my mum, who was hysterically laughing. Gee, thanks mum.

            “That hurts babe,” I said, clenching my heart, and whipping away fake tears from my eyes.

            “Oh my God Niall, you have been spending too much time with Louis,” Alex replied, laughing, and shaking her head. Glad to see I could bring a smile to her face. “But I would love to go out to dinner with you tonight.”

            “Great, I can’t wait love,” I said, placing a kiss on her temple, and walking back up towards my room to plan for the night. I needed to get to the bottom of things.

Alex’s P.O.V.

            These last couple of weeks have been rough. I know that Tom is behind bars now, but I just can’t help but feel that he’s going to jump from the shadows at any given moment. I think the part that I hate the most, is knowing that he’s having this big of an impact on my emotions. Right when things were going great, and there wasn’t any drama, he had to enter my life again, and fuck things up. Ever since that day, I’ve been more cautious, and scared. When Niall falls asleep, I start talking to Baby Horan, to let it know that I will do anything in my power to protect it from people like Tom. No one deserves to go through what I went through, and I’m making sure my baby never does. I know that I’ve been thinking about this way too much; to the point where I shake at night. I’m hoping that this night out with Niall will help me zone out from those feelings. I can’t go back there; the days after I was released from the hospital were horrible.

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