Chapter 10

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A/N: I know it's only been a few days since the last chapter, but I couldn't help wanting to share the latest update. Sue me :) I hope you guys are having as much fun reading this as I am writing this. Enjoy!---Ekat!


Louis’ P.O.V.

            We tried to stop Harry from going in the kitchen, and to give Niall and Alex the time that they requested, but he was just worried about her. I’ve never seen Harry get like this. I wonder what happened to Alex in her last relationship that could cause him to act this way. I guess she’ll tell us when she’s ready. We looked at the clock to see that the five minutes was up. We all wanted to know what was going on, and I was in the mood for a spying session. Surprisingly, Liam was the first one getting up to go into the kitchen. Zayn and I were quick to follow.

            “Hey guys, care to share what’s going on?” I heard Liam ask. My eyes went to Alex immediately. Was she ready to tell us what happened in her past?

Alex’s P.O.V.

            I felt looks from Niall and Harry. Both of them were unsure of what I was going to do. But you know what; I feel the boys should know who they’re staying with for the next month; even though I don’t feel the need to hurt myself anymore. With Niall in my life now, all those feelings shrivel up, and I can remember what it feels like to be happy. I give the boys reassuring smiles before I answer them.

            “I think we should go into the living room before I explain,” I answered Liam, looking at all five boys. They nodded, and they all started making their way into the next room. Niall gave me one last supportive hug before joining them. I took a deep breath before joining them as well. Then I began telling the story for the third time tonight. I didn’t get as choked up as I did the first few times, but I couldn’t help but feel some sadness return as I recalled all the events that happened over the past year.

            When I finished, I took a good look at everyone’s expressions. Niall and Harry had slight proud looks on their faces. I flashed them a small smile before looking at everyone else. Zayn and Liam exchanged shocked glances with each other before returning their gaze to me. They tried their best to hide their looks of worry, but they were failing miserably. Louis on the other hand, had a weird look in his eyes. We sat in an awkward silence for a few minutes before Louis spoke up.

            “I just have one question…” Louis began.

Louis’ P.O.V.

            “Where does this douche bag live?” I asked through gritted teeth. Who the hell thinks they have any right to do that? Beating the hell out of someone, and saying they’re not good enough to be in a relationship with them. Alex is one of the strongest people I know, and now I find out she’s been depressed for the last year, and has been harming herself. A whole fucking year of her causing damage to herself physically and mentally. I was beyond pissed.

            “Louis…” Alex started to say, to try and calm me down, but I cut her off before she could finish.

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