Here's Chapter 2 :).... I'll write Chapter 3 tomorrow and if I get enough positive feedback, I'll post it too. Enjoy! ---Ekat1507
---Niall’s P.O.V.
I can’t believe this is happening. For the last month, all Harry could talk about was how he couldn’t wait to see his sister again. To be honest, I was nervous about meeting her. When Harry talked about her, she seemed like a person that I had to meet. Hearing about her made me feel all warm inside. The way he described her brown eyes, the way that her hair fell just short of her shoulders; every last detail of her amazing personality, I hung onto. She sounded amazing, and I for one, can’t wait to meet her.
When we arrived at Alex’s house, Harry stopped us all from getting out of the car.
“Let me go in first,” Harry said. “I just want to have a little brother-sister moment, and prepare her for when she meets you guys. And guys, remember, she’s my sister.”
Before he got out of the car, he shot us all serious looks that said “Stay away, because if you hurt her, I will hunt you down.”
We were going to wait 30 minutes to give them some time together, but Lou couldn’t even manage to wait ten before running from the backseat. Only Lou. A few minutes later, we soon followed. We walked in, only to take in an enormous house. Then all of our eyes focused on who we assumed was Alex when she walked in from the kitchen.
Wow, this has to be the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. She looked absolutely stunning. She had straight, barely shoulder length hair that was dark as Harry’s. Her eyes were like a chocolate river that I could drown in for all eternity. She was everything Harry described, and more. I snapped out of my daze when Harry said my name, and she came over and hugged me, and said ‘hi’. I blushed, and reached forward to give her one of my famous Horan Hugs. Everything about that moment seemed so right, that I didn’t want it to end. And then it did when Harry intervened, and pulled us apart. He said he wanted to talk to Alex, and pulled her up the stairs while giving me one of his famous death glares. This caused me to blush even more as I turned away, and looked at the ground. Everyone must have noticed my embarrassment because Louis had to be Louis, and speak up.
“Aww, looks as though our little Nialler has a crush on little Alex,” Louis teased, a big grin present on his face. Zayn and Liam only grinned while trying to hold back the laughter.
“Ooh,” I groaned, knowing that they all knew I liked Alex. I went and sat on the couch, and began ruffling my hair with my hands. “I didn’t mean to. Just… Harry never stops talking about her, and she sounded so amazing. Then we came here, and she looked even better than Harry described. I can’t help it.”
Now I was getting sympathetic looks from the guys as they came and sat on the couch with me.
“Mate, we had no idea you felt this way,” Liam said trying to make me feel better. “Honestly, I think it’s good that you’ve finally taken an interest in someone. I just don’t think Harry likes that it happens to be his sister.”
This made me sink even lower into the couch.
“Thanks Liam, but you’re not helping,” I said, trying to put a fake smile on my face.
“Sorry buddy, but I think that while we’re here, you should try and play it cool. Even though we’ve heard about her from Harry, you still don’t truly know her. Plus, she doesn’t even know you. Maybe after things have calmed down, you guys can get to know each other, and see where it goes from there.” Liam said, as the others just nodded their heads agreeing with him.
Maybe Liam’s right. I mean, I feel as though I’ve known her all my life, and she probably doesn’t even know a thing about me. I just sulked on the couch until I heard someone walking down the stairs heavily. I looked up see Harry, and he walked over to me with his arms crossed.
“What?” I asked trying to play it off like I had no idea why he had an attitude.
“Don’t “what” me,” Harry spat at me. “You know bloody well what. I thought I told you guys that my sister was off limits.”
“I can’t help it Harry,” I replied honestly. “There’s just something about there that I’ve never seen in a girl before. I know we’ve only met, but she just sort of has this glow about her that makes me happy.”
Harry seemed to be fuming by this, but I didn’t care. The last couple of months have been hard for me because we’ve been on the road so much. Louis & Zayn had girlfriends, and I was somewhat jealous of that feeling. To have someone that you could share your innermost secrets with. To have someone that you could build a life together with. I longed for that. I know that Alex and I have only just met, but there was just something about her that’s just too irresistible. I just don’t know if she feels the same way that I do. Before I could get lost in my thoughts, I turned my attention back to Harry as he started to talk.
“Niall, I swear,” he started, but when he was about to say something he looked over, and saw Alex standing on the bottom step of the staircase.
“Harry, I told you it was just a hug,” Alex said, looking at Harry with such fury in her eyes. She then turned to me, and all the anger seemed to disappear. “Niall, I’m sorry that my brother has been such an ass to you. But if you’d like, I could give you a personal tour of the house, and show you to your room.”
I looked at Harry, and then to Alex. Both faces had completely opposite expressions. His was filled was such anger and frustration, while hers was filled with honesty and peace. I looked back and forth to them before turning my gaze back to Alex, and a smile grew upon my face.
“I’d like that,” I said accepting her offer. I got up, and walked over to her before Harry had a chance to say anything. I knew that he and I would have to talk soon, but as for right now, I know that I just want to spend as much time getting to know her as possible while we were here. I got up, and followed her up the stairs. This was going to be quite a month.

We Found Love (Niall Horan)
FanfictionAlex Styles is Harry Styles' sister. She's eighteen, and enjoying living on her own. Harry and the boys finally get a break from their never ending tour, and decide to come and visit Alex. Now, Alex has never met Liam, Zayn, or Niall, but when her a...