Author's Note: Hey guys! I know the last chapter wasn't really much, so I'm hoping you like this chapter a lot more. Just think, only one more chapter left before the sequel! =O I tried to bring out the inner child within Nialler, and I hope you enjoy it. Gotta have an update for Zayn's birthday though, right? ;) Well, I'll let you guys read the update. Let me know what you think though; I always love hearing from you guys, and your comments really mean a lot. --Ekat =)
Alex’s P.O.V.
The last two weeks have been amazing. Niall and I have been spending every second together in utter bliss. Even though I’ve missed the gang, it’s been really nice spending some alone time with Niall. We spent the first couple of days just relaxing, and not doing much of anything. Then by the end of the first week, we managed to unpack everything from the tour, and even managed to set some things up for the baby. It was really funny watching Niall try to put a playpen together. I had to step outside to hide my laughter, but I could still hear him swearing. Harry and Louis dropped by once, just to check up on us, and the baby. It was only a short visit, but it was still nice to see them. Of course, it wasn’t a complete visit from Louis and Harry without some perverted comments. They were mostly from Louis, seeing as how I’m still Harry’s little sister, but I was surprised when he actually shot one or two good remarks at Niall and I. It’s nice to see he’s calmed down about the whole teen pregnancy thing. Plus, I think he’s really excited to be an uncle.
Last night, Niall took me out for another date. I told him it was a great idea, because once the baby’s born, we would be super busy. I know the boys would volunteer to watch him if we asked, but I don’t want to be a burden. It was an amazing night; and no, not like that… okay, that was involved, but that’s not why the night was amazing. Okay, that part was amazing too, but… you know what, I’m just going to shut up. I’ve always been an early riser, but ever since I got pregnant, I haven’t managed to wake up before ten o’clock. It always felt like I was sleeping the day away; which is why I was really surprised and excited when I woke up at 7:30 this morning. I saw that Niall was still sleeping, and didn’t want to wake him just yet; he looked so peaceful when he was sleeping. When I slid out of bed, Niall turned over, and tried to hug me into his chest. I didn’t want him to wake up, so I just stuffed a pillow into his arms. To this day, I still laugh at how he falls for it. One time, he even tried slipping the pillow the tongue. I don’t think I want to know what he was dreaming about.
When I walked downstairs, I decided to make Niall and I breakfast. I felt bad that he wasn’t going home to see his family on his time off, so I’m trying to make him a lot of food to make up for it. He crashed early last night, and I made him triple chocolate brownies, and a batch of my favorite chocolate chip cookies. I try to make them only once a year, because you can go through about two dozen of them, and feel like you’ve only eaten three. I had to double the recipe, because I was eating them while I making them. As I was plating our breakfasts, I felt two strong arms wrap around me.
“I missed you,” a familiar Irish voice whispered into my ear. His husky morning voice sent shivers down my spine. He could sense this, and I didn’t have to turn around to know that he was smiling, satisfied that he gave me those feelings. “What are you doing?”
“Making us breakfast,” I answered, placing the pan in the sink, once I was finished serving up the food. Niall frowned at the plate as I set it in front of him. “What’s wrong, don’t you like it?”
“Yeah, but I wish you would stop overdoing everything, and just relax. You know I love your cooking, but these last couple of weeks are going to be really stressful, and I just want you taking it easy. I know I’m going to regret saying this, but if I have to live without your food for the next two weeks, just so you don’t have to stress about cooking or housework, I can do that,” Niall said, whipping fake tears from his eyes. I rolled my eyes, and kissed his cheek before sitting down next to him.

We Found Love (Niall Horan)
FanfictionAlex Styles is Harry Styles' sister. She's eighteen, and enjoying living on her own. Harry and the boys finally get a break from their never ending tour, and decide to come and visit Alex. Now, Alex has never met Liam, Zayn, or Niall, but when her a...