A/N: Well, the gang is on their way to L.A. to go to the Ellen show. I really enjoyed coming up with the sarcasm and joke scenes for this chapter. It's also one of my longest chapters, so it gives you a little more to read until the next chapter comes out. I hope you all enjoy it... leave your comments, vote, follow me on twitter if you'd like, blah, blah, blah. I know, you just want to read the chapter, so here it is X) --Ekat
Alex’s P.O.V.
Well, we had to be up at five to be at the airport in time for our flight to Los Angeles. Yeah, being pregnant isn’t exactly making me a morning person. I tried going back to sleep after Liam woke Niall and I up, but morning sickness just had to be a bitch this morning, forcing be to get up, and giving me the “pleasure” of seeing my dinner from last night. Not my best moment; but everything became okay when I felt Niall’s hand rubbing small circles in my back as he held my hair back.
“Has it been nine months yet?” I asked groggily. Everyone just laughed at me. Niall opened his arms, and brought me in for a hug to make me feel better. He knows me so well. When we pulled apart, he dragged me into the bedroom so we could get ready. I made the smart choice of showering last night so I wouldn’t have to wait for the shower this morning. This gave me about an hour of extra time to sleep. I can be so smart sometimes… I could conquer the world if I wasn’t too lazy.
However, the sleep didn’t last long. I felt someone poking my cheek. When I opened my eyes, I saw Eleanor and Perrie standing in front of my.
“What?” I asked, trying to fall back asleep.
“Come on Alex, it’s time to get up,” Perrie said shaking me awake.
“Why are you two waking me up?” I asked sitting up. “What, are the boys scared I’d hurt whoever woke me up.”
“Actually… yeah,” El said looking down. “We had to draw straws. Perrie and I couldn’t decide who had the shortest straw, so we compromised, and came in here together.”
“Wow, really feeling the love guys,” I said sarcastically, and making my way out the door. El and Perrie followed me as we made our way to the boys, who were already waiting out in the cars for us. I snuggled up to Niall, who put a blanket around us to stay warm.
We made our way to the airport in record time. I’d like to think it’s because Louis was driving, but I was too tired to care. Paul and the security team were already at the airport, waiting for us. We were shuffled through the airport to avoid the fans. Don’t get wrong, we all love the fans, but we still haven’t confirmed the fact that I was pregnant. I don’t know about anyone else, but I wasn’t really up for dealing with people calling me a slut at six o’clock in the morning. Wow, being pregnant is really bringing out my inner bitch. Niall must really love me to be willing to put up with it for nine months. I laughed to myself, earning a few confused looks from the gang.
“Everything okay Alex?” Zayn asked with concern.

We Found Love (Niall Horan)
FanfictionAlex Styles is Harry Styles' sister. She's eighteen, and enjoying living on her own. Harry and the boys finally get a break from their never ending tour, and decide to come and visit Alex. Now, Alex has never met Liam, Zayn, or Niall, but when her a...