A/N: I just want to say thanks to anyone and everyone who has read "We Found Love". For this chapter, I'm assuming you all know that sparks are going to fly... and they will :) I really hope you guys enjoy this new chapter; I took the entire day to try and think about what I wanted to say in it. I wanted everything to be just right. Well, enjoy! :D --Ekat
Alex’s P.O.V.
Oh. My. God. Please tell me I heard him wrong. This can’t be happening to me. I can’t be pregnant. I’m only 18; Niall’s only 19. Shit; Niall. This is going to ruin any shot he has at a career. I look over to Niall, who looked at me as though he saw a ghost. How could I let this happen? I close my eyes to think things over for a minute. I need to calm myself down. What’s everyone going to say about me once they find out? Oh shit, they’re in the room. I open my eyes to see everyone staring. The girls and my brother were staring at me with their jaws to the floor, while the boys were staring at their suddenly interesting shoes to avoid eye contact with me.
“Well,” the doctor says, trying to put an end to the awkward silence. “You and the baby are extremely healthy, and you were only experiencing morning sickness. I’ll let the nurse know that you two are free to go; have a nice day.”
Once the doctor left, the awkward silence returned. After a minute, I heard the sound of feet shuffling across the floor. Only, the sound was getting quieter, so the person was walking in the opposite direction. When I heard a loud thud I looked up to see Harry storming out the door. It was only then that I realized that he punched the wall. I could just cry. I looked down into my lap when I felt a pair of arms around me; Louis. He gave me a sympathetic smile before whispering “We’ll go talk to him, and give you and Niall some time to talk.”
Before I knew it, everyone left, and I couldn’t fight back the tears any longer. I did the only thing I could, and closed my eyes, pointing my head down towards the sheets as I cried what felt like a river. I heard another pair of feet shuffling; but this pair was coming towards me. I figured it was just the nurse coming back with our discharge papers. That all changed when I felt a strong pair of arms around me. I looked up, and saw Niall moving into the bed with me. How can he be so calm? A few minutes ago, a man just walked into the room, and told us that we were going to be parents. He looked as though he just heard Justin Bieber was in town performing. I on the other hand, felt as though I just ruined his career; his entire life. The fact that he has a smile on his face just makes me cry harder.
“Alex, please don’t cry. I hate seeing you cry,” Niall says in a soothing voice, bringing me into his chest. He knew it was the one thing that could calm me down. Now I went from hysterical crying to just sobbing. Niall was rubbing circles in my back with one of his hands, while maintaining a firm grip on me with the other. We just laid there for a few minutes as I tried to calm down. I hated feeling like this; it was as though I let Niall down. Suddenly, past emotions of when I was with Tom came flooding back. I couldn’t help but feel as though I had disappointed everyone that loved me: the boys, the girls, but most importantly, Niall. I screwed everything up all because I couldn’t keep my damn legs shut.
“Niall, I’m so sorry,” I replied as I pulled away from him. “Maybe I’ll just do us all a favor, and head back home. I don’t blame you if you never want to see me ever again.”

We Found Love (Niall Horan)
Fiksi PenggemarAlex Styles is Harry Styles' sister. She's eighteen, and enjoying living on her own. Harry and the boys finally get a break from their never ending tour, and decide to come and visit Alex. Now, Alex has never met Liam, Zayn, or Niall, but when her a...