Chapter 16

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A/N: I'm so happy to see that I've gained another 80 reads since I posted the last chapter. It really makes me feel good and only makes me want to write more and more. I love hearing from you guys so let me know what you think! Enjoy the new addition to the story--Ekat :)


Alex’s P.O.V.

The last week here has flown by. Louis has actually calmed down with the whole protective brother thing, and we were actually able to play a game of hide and seek. I think it’s because I suck so bad, that I could never hide anywhere long enough for him to freak out. Louis keeps telling Niall and I that we’re triple grounded because we just look too adorable together. I’ll never understand that boy. I’ve also gotten to know Liam and Zayn a lot more. The three of us have gotten close. I feel like I can go to them, and tell them anything, and they won’t tell a soul. I think that over this past month, my family has gone from me having one brother, to four brothers, and an amazing boyfriend. Now we’re going on tour together. Hopefully everything stays calm. You know, as calm as things can be with five hyperactive teenage boys.

Right now, I’m finishing my packing for our trip to the U.S. for the boy’s promotional tour. The boys have been done for about half an hour, and are waiting on me. I told them they can’t bitch about it because for guys, they are such divas when it comes to getting up, and getting ready in the morning. At least I have a good excuse; they expected me to pack a whole tour’s worth of clothes in twenty minutes. What did they do? They threw everything in their closets into the suitcase, sat on it, and zipped it shut. Oh these boys are going to be the death of me, but I love them all anyway.

“Let’s go Alex!” Harry yelled from downstairs, just as I zipped my last suitcase. “Paul is coming in five minutes, and we can’t afford to miss our flight.”

“I’m coming!” I yelled back, as I started climbing down the stairs.

I heard Louis say in a hushed voice “That’s what she said” as he elbowed Niall, who was sitting on the couch, and was now blushing. I looked over, and saw that Haz heard this too. We walked over to Louis, and smacked him upside the head. “Sorry Nialler, looks like your little soldiers are going to suffer.”

This only made Niall turn a deeper shade of red, and Harry was starting to fume. I saw Liam and Zayn standing by the door holding onto each other, trying to hold back a bag of laughs. Way to play it cool guys.

“Louis, do you ever shut the fuck up?” I asked, rubbing my temple with hands.

“Yeah Lou, I don’t exactly want to hear about Niall’s ‘soldiers’, and my sister in the same conversation,” Harry added.

“Oh, so you’d be okay talking about them if it didn’t involve Alex?” taunted Louis, turning back to Harry, who was starting to lose his temper.

“Okay, I agree with Alex, do you ever shut the fuck up?” Harry asked, walking over to Liam and Zayn with his suitcase.

“You know you guys love me,” Lou replied with his childlike demeanor. “And hey, there is no swearing in this house Styles. That goes for both of you.”

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