Chapter 17

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A/N: Hey guys! I want to thank everyone who has read my story and all the feedback I get from you guys. It just makes me want to write more and more. So this new chapter is by far the longest and I enjoyed writing it SOOO much; I hope you guys enjoy reading it. Let me know what you think; I love hearing from you guys! Shoot me a comment, message, tweet. Just knowing that there are people out there that are loving my story about One Direction written by a guy (Shocker I know to find a male 1D fan, but yes, we do exist, lol) makes me extremely happy. Well, I'll stop talking and let you guys enjoy the newest addition. --Ekat :)


Niall’s P.O.V.

After three hours, we finally made it to the hotel. The amount of fans that we saw back in London were nothing compared to the amount waiting outside of JFK Airport. I was starting to get that claustrophobic feeling again. I hated this feeling. The big, loud crowds and the small spaces just made me tense up. Alex could feel this as we walked through the airport. She held my hand even tighter. “Don’t worry about them Nialler. Just keep your mind focused on nice, open spaces” she whispered in my ear. She knew just what to say to calm me down. We both had smiles on our faces at this point. I reached over, and kissed her cheek as we continued through the airport.

Alex’s P.O.V. (Day of the Concert)

Everybody was nervous about tonight. Not only was it the boy’s first concert in over a month, but they were playing The Garden. Only the best of the best ever get a chance to play there, and here they were playing a sold out concert. We didn’t have to leave for sound check until 5, so we decided to have a movie day. We started early, and now it was early afternoon. We just finished watching Toy Story…again. I thought it was an alright movie growing up, but I had a feeling that by the end of the tour, I would have a strong hatred towards this movie. Just a feeling. Anyways, there was only time for one more movie before we all had to get ready. It was Niall’s turn to pick a movie. He was looking through them, and came across A Walk to Remember. “Is this one any good?” he asked. I couldn’t believe the words that came out of his mouth.

“You’ve never seen A Walk to Remember?” I asked him, amazed by this. He just shook his head in response. Even the boys looked at him as if he were ill. “That’s it Nialler, we’re watching this movie. You haven’t seen a great movie until you’ve seen this one.”

I got up to pop the DVD in, while we all decided to take a five minute bathroom break. Of course Niall took this as the perfect opportunity to raid the kitchen of any and all snacks. We all just shook our heads as he came back with his arms full of junk food.

“What?” he asked like this was something a normal person would do. “I don’t want to get up during the movie, so I have to make sure I had enough food.”

“Mate, it’s only a 90 minute movie,” Liam commented. “And from the looks of it, you have enough food to feed an army for a week.”

We all laughed as Niall stuck his tongue out at Liam. We were watching the part when Jamie & Landon were reciting lines for the play. Niall was giving commentary during the movie, which I found so cute. “I can already see how this movie’s going to end. They’re going to realize their feelings for each other, fall in love, and live happily ever after”. Oh Nialler, if you only knew. I looked to the end table, and saw a box of tissues. I picked the box off of the table, and handed it to him. He gave me a questionable look, but I gave him a look back that said “You’ll need them”.

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