A/N: Hey everyone! I'm so glad to see that everyone is enjoying "We Found Love"... I'm also really excited to see that the story has reached over 1000 reads. YAY! So I figured that I would upload the next chapter to celebrate! :D I can't wait for you guys to read what I have in store. I'm really excited about it and I hope you guys are too! Well, I'll let you read the chapter already... let me know what you think. Comment, Vote, Message me, find me on twitter (on my profile)... blah, blah, blah. Okay, I'm done rambling. Enjoy! :) --Ekat
Alex’s P.O.V.
The last few weeks have been nothing short of amazing. I have been having the best time of my life. The boys and I have been traveling up and down the East coast for their tour. “Take Me Home” came out a few days ago, and now the boys were sitting in the kitchen area working on their new set list for their upcoming shows, while I was in the back bedroom watching videos on my laptop. Well, at least that’s what I thought they were doing until I felt a pair of lips on my cheek. I turned, and saw Niall snuggling up to me while I was watching an interview they did last week for MTV. I smiled at him. We have been under 24 hour surveillance from both Louis and Harry. Harry was trying to make sure we didn’t do anything “intimate”, as he put it, while Louis was trying to make sure we didn’t have sex in his beloved tour bus. He wouldn’t let us leave the venue until Niall and I apologized to Betsy; and before you ask, Betsy is the name he gave to the bus. Niall and I tried objecting, saying that we weren’t going to be seen talking to a bus, but then Louis started going off on how “she’s not just a bus, she has feelings too”, and a whole bunch of nonsense. Honestly, apologizing was just the easiest and fastest way to shut him up.
The video was at the part where the boys where asked “Who would be the most likely to cry while watching a movie?” Louis said Harry, which I would have to agree, while Niall said Louis. The way Niall said “Yeah” when Harry was asking if anyone knew about the shivering feeling that you get when watching sad movies made me laugh. I remember that morning oh too well, and he was on a caffeine rush. Oh Nialler. I looked over, and saw that his cheeks turned a bright shade of pink. He really was cute when he blushed. We turned back to the video, and I tried by best to hide a chuckle when they were trying to defend their “manhood”, by trying to explain that they didn’t cry, just some movies brought a tear to their eye; but when Niall explained that it was like “Marley & Me”, I couldn’t hold the chuckle in any longer.
“What, are you seriously going to sit there, and try and tell me that you didn’t cry during Marley & Me?” he questioned back, trying to defend himself.
“Actually, I’ve never seen that movie,” I admitted sheepishly. The look on his face turned into one of hurt.
“Never?” he questioned further.
“Never,” I answered back.
“Never, ever?” he questioned, amazed that I had never seen the movie.
“No Niall, never ever,” I said. “What’s with the look? You act like it’s one of the greatest movies ever.”
“Maybe because it is,” he shot back. “That’s it, we’re watching this movie.”

We Found Love (Niall Horan)
FanfictionAlex Styles is Harry Styles' sister. She's eighteen, and enjoying living on her own. Harry and the boys finally get a break from their never ending tour, and decide to come and visit Alex. Now, Alex has never met Liam, Zayn, or Niall, but when her a...