The Vampire Diaries (Rosalie Williams)

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It was just another summer day. My parents and my brother were taking a road trip, Aunt Katie was out on a date, and I was getting ready for a party.

*Ring Ring*

"Hello" I answered my cell phone in a annoyed tone.

"Hey Rose, I called to ask if you were coming today?" It was Tyler.

"Yeah, it's in the forest right?" I asked.

"Yep, where the bonfire usually happens,"

"Okay," there was an awkward silence.

"See you there Rose!" Finally, I can get back to doing my make up, I thought to myself.

*Ring Ring*

The house phone rang.

"For the love of God!" I mumbled, "hello,"

"Hello, is there a Rosalie Williams there?" I had no idea who it was, her voice sounded apologetic.


"Rose, this is a nurse calling from GlenOaks Hospital in Illinois, you may want to sit down before I tell you this," I started to get worried, "Rose, your parents and you brother got into a fatal car accident, they came in with major blood loss and head trauma,"

I clenched my fist and closed my eyes, ready to hear whatever happened.

"Rose, they're," she hesitated, "dead,"

I dropped the phone, causing it to hit the floor. I sunk down on my knees, and picked up the phone.

"Rose are you there?" the nurse asked, "the hospital is sending their bodies to Mystic Falls, so you can have their funeral,"

"Ok" I mumbled trying to keep in my tears. Right when the call ended, I broke down crying. Then I remembered I needed to call Tyler and tell him that I wasn't coming to the party.

I dialed Tyler's number. "Hey where are you, Rose?"

I tried to make it not sound like I was crying but I epically failed, "I'm sorry Tyler, I can't make it,"

"Are you ok, you sound like you are crying"

"Yeah I'm fi..." I started crying violently. He hung up, obviously he is gonna come over with Jeremy, Matt, Elena, Caroline, and Bonnie to see why I was crying.

*Knock Knock*

I hesitated opening the door. My make up was smeared, I looked like a a big hot mess. I tried to wipe my tears but they just kept spilling out. I saw all of there faces, and Caroline pulled me into a bear hug, the others gradually came into my house.

"What happened?" Caroline asked in a concerned tone. We were all sitting in the living room.

I had stopped crying, "they died," a tear escaped my eyes, "Mom, Dad and ...." I started crying again, "Luca,"

Elena walked up and gave me a hug, "I know how it feels," she said rubbing my shoulder, "when my parents died it was hard to move past it,"

"Yeah," Jeremy said.

"I know this is gonna be really hard on you, with Luca gone," Tyler mumbled. Luca and Tyler were best friends, like two peas in a pod, even though Tyler was really ignorant.

They all came into a group hug around me. Except Tyler.

"Well, I have a party to go to so, bye," Tyler walked out of the houses.

A few hours later, everyone else left except Bonnie, Caroline, and Elena.

"Guys seriously, I'll be fine," I lied.

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