The Sleep Over

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I drove up Elena's driveway. I sat in my car for a while. Coming back to my senses, I grabbed my diary and my bag, and got out of my car. I rang the doorbell. I heard faint walking, and then the door swung open.

"Hey Rose!" Elena said while opening the door.

"Hey Elena, thank for letting me stay over," I said


"SUPRISE!" Matt, Tyler, Caroline, and Bonnie stepped out of the living room. Oh yeah, and Jeremy but he lives here.

Tyler walked over to me, "how you holding up?"

"I could be better," I replied

"I don't know about you guys, but I would like to have fun, and happy time," Matt enthused, smiling in my direction.

"Agreed," I said laughing. I wanted to get through a day without crying, I was getting sick of it. I dropped my stuff and give them all a hug.

"Is that a diary I see?" Caroline asked. She went over to pick it up.

"Caroline, don't," I pleaded. She flipped it open, thank god it was a blank page.

"Dear diary," Caroline announced as if she was announcing something royal, "I am in love with Caroline's clothes. I think I should go steal them. She is the perfect person in the whole world. I am gonna make myself look exactly like her. She is my bff, forget about Bonnie and Elena,"

Everyone burst out laughing, "yep, that's Rose for you!" Jeremy said sarcastically in between laughs.

"Yes, because I most definitely am in love with Caroline, and I am such a girlie girl," I said, rolling my eyes.

We made plans to go to watch the most childish movie in theaters, well, not the most childish. We ended up watching Wreck-It-Ralph, pretty funny until the end, the end just got creepy. All throughout the movie we had a bet on who could laugh the loudest at the quiet parts, Jeremy won. I cursed to Jeremy loud enough so only they could hear. Everyone laughed and Tyler called me a sore loser.

After the movie we all went to the grill and played pool, I still couldn't play so I did the commentary.

"And Matt goes in for a shot," I paused for effect, "there is no reason to even say if he scored or not, we all know he sucks at pool!"

Everyone laughed

"You know what, Rosalie Adriana Williams, I made that shot!" Matt argued.

"YOU SAID MY MIDDLE NAME!!!" I said pretending to be angry, "YOUR GONNA GET IT, DONOVAN!"

Jeremy looked at Matt " if I were you, I would run,"

Everyone laughed as I started to run after him. I couldn't run too fast I felt too weak. After a minute I felt dizzy so i sat down, "you got luc--ky Matt," I couldn't concentrate on what i was saying.

Everyone crowded around me, "Rose, are you okay?" Bonnie asked.

"Ye--ah, I'm fine," I said closing my eyes.

"Ok, I think Rose has to get some sleep now," Elena said, "Come on Rose,"

I got up to follow but I sat right back down because I felt too dizzy.

"Rose, get on my back," Matt bent down.

"Yay, I'm getting a piggyback ride!!" I said like a child.

Matt chuckled, "hold on tight,"

"Ywayy," I was talking like a 4 year old.

"Aww, you guys look so cute together!" Elena squealed. Me and Matt rolled our eyes. He set me down.

"Bye guys!"

"Bye, Matt!" me and Elena said simultaneously.

We were almost at Elena's house and I was quite tired.

"I was wondering why you were paler than before and had dark circles under your eyes,"we arrived in Elena's driveway, she looked at me, "spill!"

"I look perfectly fine, and I was just light headed because I haven't any drank water," I lied.

"Sure," Elena rolled her eyes, I think she figured out there was no use trying.

We walked up to her room, she changed in the bathroom while I changed in her room. I put on a black tank top with matching black, cotton short shorts. Elena walked out wearing something similar to my outfit but the tang top was dark blue. We sat on her bed and talked for a while and soon she fell asleep. I decided to give sleeping a try.


I was on a sidewalk watching the road when out of the blue I saw my dad's car going down the road and flip over for no apparent reason. I heard screams of agony, not just anybody's screams but Luca, Mom, and Dad's screams. I tried running toward them but I was stuck, I screamed for someone to help them but no one did. I saw a figure that was too fast to make out go to the car. Luca started screaming louder the figure was doing something to him. Soon his voice died out. He was dead. I screamed and screamed which slowly turned into crying. I was suddenly shaken awake.

"Rose!" Elena called out.

I opened my eyes to find that I was hyperventilating and crying. She pulled me into a hug, "shh, don't cry, it's okay," she was acting like a mom would to her child.

We ate breakfast and soon I had to go. I walked into my house to find David walking around shirtless.

I covered up my even, "aaaaahh, my eyes, they burn!"

He rolled his eyes.

"Hey, he doesn't look that bad!" Aunt Katie called out.

"You know, they invented these new things called shirts!" I ignored Aunt Katie's question.

"I'll go wear one, don't worry," he walked upstairs.

"Rose, they brung their bodies in," Aunt Katie said.

My eyes began to sting, "okay,"

"The funeral is on Sunday,"

I walked up into me room, today is Wednesday, so there are 4 days till the funeral.



Hey, it's me again, how do you like the story so far. I know, I haven't brought the Salvatore Brothers in yet but don't worry they're on their way.

The world's gonna end tomorrow, yeah right, "world end" my ass. Gawd.


Im craaazyyy


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