Winter Ball

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I was inside Elena's house waiting for Matt to pull up. Everyone else had left and Jenna just left to chaperone the ball.

I bet by now someone already spiked the punch. We all bet who would spike the punch, Elena bet Jack (that's a guy who is a total alcoholic), Bonnie bet Jeremy, and I bet Tyler. Caroline didn't want any part in it so she didn't bet.

I saw Matt's pickup drive in to the driveway. He got out and rang the doorbell.

"Hello my good man," I said in a royal voice.

"Hello to you too. Shall we leave?"

"We shall advance towards thy carriage," we linked arms and marched to his pickup.

"Up you go," Matt helped me in to the truck.

We got settled in the car and Matt began to drive to school.

"Luca would've thought you looked beautiful," Matt spoke.

"He would've," there was an awkward silence.

Matt parked the truck and helped me out.

"Be careful there's ice," Matt warned.

Oh how I hate high heels.


I screamed and jumped. I slipped and fell on my butt.

"What the hell Damon!" I yelled.

"Payback for last night and this morning," he smirked.

"Really Damon?" Matt said while he helped me up.

I rubbed the rubble off my dress.

I heard a scoff of disgust. My favorite person, Andy.

"Hey Andy," I said.

"Hello," she walked up to Damon and kissed him.

When they stopped I yelled, "Think of the poor children who had to watch that, like Mathew," I gestured to Matt.

"When did I become a child?" Matt asked.

"You always was Matt, you always was," I began to walk to the gym doors.

"Allow me," Matt held the door open.

"Well, thank you Matt," I walked into the gym. It looked beautiful. Caroline had really outdone herself.

The gym was packed with people. Most of the girls in ball gowns. The gym looked magical, well, Bonnie did help.

I laughed to myself at the thought.

"Found them, over there at that table," Matt pointed over at a table in the semi-middle of the gym. I saw Elena gazing into Stefan's eyes as he laughed. Tyler with his hands around Caroline's waste, and Bonnie laughing with Jeremy.

Me and Matt walked towards the table.

"It's about time you guys came!" Tyler yelled over the music.

"Well if it wasn't for Damon we would've have gotten here ealiar!" I replied.

"What did my brother do this time?" Stefan asked.

"He scared Rose, causing her to slip onto the ice," Matt shrugged, "I'm going to get punch,"

"Ok,"I said.

I sat down at a empty chair at the table.

"Caroline you did a really nice job!" I complimented.

"Thanks!" Caroline exclaimed.

Matt came back with the punch and sat down next to me.

"Thanks brocef," I took a sip, "ok, so who spiked the punch?"

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