No Wonder

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I woke up in the middle of the night. I need water, I feel like I have sandpaper in my mouth. I got out of bed and blinked my eyes into focus. I got out of bed and wobbled down the stairs.

It's dark, wait, what time is it? I got off the the stairs and walked into the kitchen.

"Katherine, what are you doing here?" I saw Katherine in the kitchen smirking.

She walked towards me.

"Why do I keep seeing you?" I asked.

"Katherine likes messing with your mind," she smirked, "You keep imagining me because she compelled you to, and there's nothing anyone can do to stop it. Only Katherine,"

"Of course she did," I was trying to hide my fear.

"You and both know you're scared. Let's see," she looked around the kitchen.

I was getting scared what she was gonna do. I turned around and ran for the stairs. I got to the stairs and then she appeared right in front of me.

"You can't run from me,"

"D-Damon!" I screamed. "Damon!" I screamed even louder.

I heard walking, "what do you want?" He sounded annoyed.

I saw him walking into my room.

"Rose?" He said.

"Downstairs!" I yelled. The imaginary Katherine looked up.

"I'll be leaving," with that said Katherine vanished.

Damon came down the stairs.

"This better be good, making me get up in the middle of the night," he grumbled.

"Katherine compelled me, that's why I see her," I whispered.

"How original," he sighed, "go back to sleep, I'll figure something out,"

I walked back to my room. How could I sleep now? After 30 minutes I got up and walked to Damon's room.

"Damon, could I sleep here?" I remembered how disgusted of sleeping with him in Miami, but I guess my mind just feels safer with him.

He mumbled something and moved over. I laid down and closed my eyes.

I woke up alone in the bed. I walked to my room and went to my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and went downstairs.

"And sleeping beauty awakes," Damon said.

"Did Damon Salvatore just call me beautiful!" I teased.

I saw Elena sitting next to Stefan in the kitchen.

"Elena, when did you get here?" I asked.

"I stayed the night," she sipped her coffee.

"Oooohhhh, Elenaaaa," I teased.

She ignored my comment, "The Winter Ball is today,"

"Who's going with who?" I asked.

"I'm going with Stefan, Caroline with Tyler, and Bonnie with Jeremy. Let me guess, you forgot to get a date,"

"Yes I did, but Matthew isn't going with anyone,"

"And your sure he's gonna go with you?"

"If he says no I will kill him in his sleep. What I didn't say anything,"

Stefan smiled and Elena giggled.

I grabbed a cup of coffee and walked out to my car.

"In my car," Damon shouted while getting into his car.

"Ohhh, I have a personal bodyguard now, I must be famous," I pretended to shoot a pose for a camera every five seconds while I walked to his car. Damon rolled his eyes.

"Damon, I know your hating on my styling style,

Damon muttered oh my god under his breath.

"My names Rose, but god's fine," I'm going to annoy him to death.

"Rose, be quiet," he said.

I strolled into the grill and looked for Matt. I found him wiping a table in the back.

"Matthew! You shall come with me to the ball today," I announced.

"Aren't you suppose to ask not demand?" He chuckled.

"No, I'm taking you by force because if I don't have a date Caroline is gonna go fanatic and kill me. And according to our bro code you have to, come on we are Team Mose!"


"Matt and Rose, our bro name,"

"Ok I'll go with you, and when did we have a bro code, you aren't even a guy" Matt questioned.

"You can't prove anything," I fast walked over to Damon and Alaric, who were at the bar drinking.

"Damon your cheating on Andy and Elijah, gasp!"

Damon rolled his eyes, and Alaric gave me a questioning look.

"Rose are you ok?" Alaric asked.

"Perfectly fine Ric, I mean Alaric, I mean Mr. Saltzman, sir," I'm tired, this is what happens to me when I'm tired.

"I'm gonna go walk home now,"

"House is too far from here Rose," Damon said twirling his glass around.

"I'll um," I looked around the grill and spotted Elijah, "go talk to Elijah,"

I sat down in front of Elijah at a booth.

"Well hello there Elijah, I'm just gonna put my head down hear," I yawned and rested my head on the table.

"There you are! You should be at Elena's getting ready and here I find you sleeping at a table!" Caroline sounded really frustrated. Oh I messed up her planning.

"I'm sorry madam I shall go there right now, care to give me a lift Caroline? I need to get a hair cut too," I said sleepily.

"Fine," she rolled her eyes, "just don't get a major haircut,"

"I know Caroline,"

*30 minutes later*

"What the hell Rose! I told you not a major hair cut!"

"I just got bangs, be happy it isn't a fringe,"

"Just ring Elena's doorbell already!"

I rang her doorbell and waited a few minutes.

"It's about time! Rose nice haircut," Elena said.

"Come on, we gotta get you ready," I looked at Elena. She. was already ready. She looked beautiful wearing a magenta ball gown with a sweet heart neck line and spots of pink sparkles. And her hair were in lose curls clipped to the back of her head.

I ran up the stairs and walked into Elena's room. It was a makeover studio.

Two words Girlie Girls. Either way they're my best friends.

I looked at my dress, which was hanging on Elena's door. I loved it. My dress was just the right shade of purple with a sweetheart neckline and black lace rimming the neckline making its way down left side of the top half, wrapping around the waist. The bottom of the dress was poofy and had ruffles, not the ones that overlap but the ones that scrunch up.

Elena and Bonnie were doing my hair and Caroline was doing her make up.

"So did Matt say yes?" Bonnie asked.

"Yes, according to our bro code he has to," I stated.

"Bro code?," Elena went back to doing my hair.


"What is it about?" Bonnie asked.

"It involves Luca,"

"Oh," Bonnie and Elena said.

I nodded my head.

"Don't move! And try not to fall asleep" Bonnie yelled.


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