Really Katherine, Again

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"Sorry it's not the usual torture treatment I thought I was being too harsh last time," Katherine smirked twiddling with a knife in her hand.

I was hanging from my hands with my feet stuck to the huge slab of wood my body was resting on.

"Aww, but I liked being nailed to a chair,"

"Well I bet you'll like this as much you did the chair but just a little more,"

She took the knife and dragged it down my left arm. I screamed in pain.

Katherine ran her finger down my cut and then licked the blood of her finger.

"Your blood is sweet," she bit into my wrist.

I winced in pain.

"So is this what you're going to do, suck all my blood till I die?"

She detached her mouth from my wrist and looked up at me, "this is a warning, stay away from the Salvatore's ," her mouth was still dripping with my blood.


She gave me a few more painful cuts.

Then she started unlatching the footholds and cut the my hands free. I fell to the floor in a thud.


"Send my message to the Salvatore brothers," she came up close to my face and her pupils dialated, "I want you to go straight the hotel, you can't take a cab and no one can help walk there, and if you don't stay away from them I will kill everyone you love and your friends, understand,"

"I understand," what am I saying! I'm going to bleed to death. Damn vampires.

I walked out of the building and I just kept walking, no matter how hard I tried I couldn't stop. People came up to me and asked if they could help me all I could do is keep walking where ever my legs were taking me.

I finally got to the hotel. I couldn't walk any more. I was too tired, but I my legs wouldn't stop walking. I got into the elevator, finally I could stop. The feeling i got as the elevated went up to the 18th floor (where our room was) was excruciating. I was so happy no one had to get in the elevator. A trail of blood was left behind as I walked to the room. I knocked on the door weakly.

Damon's POV

I can smell blood. I looked over at Stefan.

"Do you smell blood?" I asked.

He nodded.

I shot up and walked to the door. The smell of blood became stronger and there was a faint knock on the door.

I opened it to see Rose, blood dripping off of her. She smiled and collapsed in my arms.


I quickly laid her on the bed. I bit into my wrist and put it on top of her mouth so she could drink.

It has to work this time, she would die if it doesn't.

Slowly her cuts began to heal, thank god.

"Is she ok," Elena asked.

"Duh, she doesn't have any cuts does she," I rolled my eyes.

"Do you wanna clean her up?" Stefan asked me.

"Sure," Elena grabbed a towel and wet it. She walked up to the bed and began to clean Rose.

An hour later Rose woke and jumped off the bed.

"Katherine said I have to stay away from you two," she began to walk backwards slowly.

"It's ok, she can't do anything," I began to walk towards her.

"No, please just stay away please," she began to cry.

I raced up to Rose and looked at her, "What did she say to you?"

"She is gonna kill everyone I love and my closest friends, I can't lose anymore people Damon,"

"Don't worry we'll make sure no one dies except Katherine," Stefan assured, "now just sit down and relax, ok,"

Rose's POV

"Ok," I took a deep breathe.

We started packing our bags so we could go back home.

I started to hug a chair, "I'll miss you the most of all, I don't want to leave Miami,"

"You act as if nothing happened, now come on let's go," Damon said.

We took a cab to the airport and boarded our plane. Me being me, freaked out on the plane and once again had to hug Damon most of the time.

My head kept telling me to listen to Katherine but I just ignored it.

I was finally allowed to go home since I was all better.

I rang the doorbell but then I noticed the door was slightly open. I walked into my house, "Aunt Katie?"

"Elena what do you want!" Aunt Katie screamed.

I ran into the living room to see Katherine smirking at Aunt Katie.

"One thing Katie, I'm not Elena," in a blink of an eye Katherine was holding Aunt Katie's heart and Aunt Katie dropped to the floor

Katherine looked at me, "I just wanted to make sure you knew I was serious about the killing," then she vanished.

Trembling violently I slipped out my phone and called Damon.

"Hey Rose, do you miss me already?"

"D-Damon she k-killed K-Katie," I whispered.

"I'll be right there,"

Two minutes later Damon and Stefan were at my house. Stefan was beside me comforting me as Damon was trying to come up with a plan to kill Katherine.

"I think I should just listen to her and stay away from from you guys,"

"We can figure out a way t-" I cut Damon off.

"Just go please,"

"Are you sure about this Rose?" Stefan asked.


"Fine, she won, Katherine always wins doesn't she, I'll deal with her body," after picking up Aunt Katie's body, Damon stormed out of the house.

Stefan walked out of the house following Damon. I just sat on the couch. I decided to call Tyler and say sorry for punching him and being such a bitch to him.

He didn't answer so I left him a voicemail, "hey Ty, I'm sorry for being such a bitch, I shouldn't have over reacted. I hope we can be friends again,"

I set down my phone and headed upstairs to go to sleep.

That's what I do when I'm sad but it's never an escape, my dreams always haunt me. I just always hope for a peaceful night. No dreams. No drama. But that's impossible.



Dramaaa. Hey guys what's up. Yeah I know, I know, the sky. This chapter was pretty weird yup Katherine is a meanie butt. Seriously firsts she nails her to a chair and sticking her to a slab of wood.

Guys I really need suggestions because I'm getting kind of stumped on what to do with the storylin. I think I want to bring the Originals in but I don't how.

No words of wisdom today.

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