First day of being a senior

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I woke up at 5:45, ugh, too early for me. I stalked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth.

I looked in my closet, searching for something to wear. I found a dress of mine, my mom loved, I smiled at it, "I'll wear you today," I grabbed it out of the closet and laid it on my bed. I walked into the bathroom to take a shower. I turned the shower on and I stood under the water and thought to myself. "Today I'm gonna be happy and not cry" I scolded myself. I slipped into the dress, and did my hair. My hair was in loose curls. I didn't put on too much make up, just black eyeliner, light pink blush, and light eyeshadow. I walked into the kitchen to see breakfast laid on the kitchen table. I sat down and started to eat.

Aunt Katie came into the kitchen in a hurry, "honey, I need to go to work, I can't be late, make sure you lock the doors,"

"Bye Aunt Katie,"

After I finished breakfast, I locked all all the doors up. I got into my car and drove to school. I parked my car in the school parking lot. I sighed and gathered all my thoughts and took a deep breath. I stepped out of the car and walked to the usual table we all hang out at.

"We're finally seniors!" Caroline squealed.,"Except for you, Jeremy your a Junior!"

"Hey people of this Earth!" I said.

"Hey!" Everyone said.

Tyler walked up to me and kissed me, "hey,"

"Hi," I said blushing.

Yes, me and Tyler started dating, and yes, Caroline, Bonny, and Elena always tease us.

"Aw look at the two love birds!" Bonnie babied.

I rolled my eyes. Later me and Elena were walking when Elena suddenly stopped, "I'll be right back,"

I knew at once that she was going to Jeremy, and yell at him because he's been doing drugs, again. She followed into the boys bathroom. I couldn't help but laugh, Bonnie gave me a funny look. I saw Elena come out of the bathroom and bump into a new guy.

When she returned back to us she was blushing.

"Aww, does Elena have a crush?" I mocked.

"Oh come on, lets go to class," Elena said.

First hour, History. "Yay"

I sat behind Elena and that new guy sat next to her. They kept looking at each other and talking. Stefan made Mr. Tanner mad because Stefan made it seem like he wasn't paying attention is class. So Mr. Tanner kept asking him questions, and Stefan would answer correctly every time. Also Stefan kept correcting Mr. Tanner.

No matter how hard I tried I couldn't stop thinking of how my mom always would give me a "good luck this year" present on the first day of school, how dad would be running around trying to get ready for work, and how Luca would always try to prank me but always failed. After about 20 minutes of class, I snapped. I shot up and cried my way to the bathroom.

"Rosalie!" I could hear Mr. Tanner yelling for me to come back. I passed Tyler in the hallway.

"Rose are you ok?" I ignored him and ran into the bathroom. I got into a stall and started crying. Someone walked in, "Rose?" it was Tyler.

I walked out of the stall and hugged him "I don't think I can keep it together, Ty," I sobbed.

His chin was on top of my head,"it's ok, shh don't cry," he said in a calm voice, "you'll be fine, shhh,"

He was so warm, I wish I could be in his arms forever.

"Is she ok?" Elena burst into the bathroom.

"Yeah she's fine," Tyler answered for me.

He kissed me, "now wash your face and go back to class," he wiped my tears.

I washed my face and gathered all my emotions and walked to class with Elena. Before I walked into class I sighed. When I walked in Mr.Tanner nodded at me. When class ended Elena walked with the new kid, I think his name is Stefan, yeah it's Stefan. I was walking alone and then Matt came up next to me.

"I heard you were crying,"

"What! It's gotten around school that fast!?"

He chuckled, "No Tyler told me,"


"So, you going to the Campfire?"

The Campfire is a annual party our school does on the first day of school.

"Do I have a choice?"he was silent, "if I didn't go, Caroline would bug me forever!"

We parted ways, me heading for my locker, he heading for his.

After school I headed to the grill with Tyler. We drank lemonade and talked. While we walked out of the grill, hand in hand, I bumped into a man who seemed oddly familiar but I couldn't remember from where. He had gorgeous blue eyes, jet black hair, and a smirk on his face. What's wrong with me! I'm checking out a guy when I'm already dating someone. In the middle of scolding myself Tyler pulled me close and kissed me.

Soon I was on my way to the Campfire. Right when I stepped out of my car I could smell alcohol. I spotted Elena, Bonnie, and to my surprise Stefan. I walked up to them.

"Hey guys,"

"Hey" Elena said giving a red plastic cup to me, aka beer.

I laughed, "I'll drink later," I looked at Stefan and then Elena, "do you guys have a thing or something?"

Stefan scratched the back of his head.

"I guess" Elena replied.

Stefan nodded.

I went to find Tyler. He was by Matt's truck, fighting with Jeremy.

"Ok guys, break it up," I got in between them two, "now!"

Jeremy raised his hands up in innocence, "he started it,"

"I don't care who started it,"

Jeremy walked away. I looked at Tyler, he was looking away from me with his arms crossed and a mad look on his face.

"Come on Tyler, it's the first day of school!"

He didn't look at me or answer. I put my hand on his face and made him look at me, "look I'm sorry, but I didn't want you to get hurt,"

"No, I'm sorry I have a hot temper, and that Gilbert pisses me off!"

"It's fine,"

"I'll go get us drinks,"

I nodded.

I sat down on a log near the campfire and roasted a marshmallow.

He came back with the drinks, I put mine to the side because I had to drive.

We shared marshmallows and for a moment I became my old self again because I started singing Christmas songs in September.

Tyler began singing along with me. It was fun.



Hey again I feel like im writing a book of my own i do t think it relates to TVD what so ever right now.

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