Why am I even here?

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I laid in the guest room bed. I couldn't sleep, and I couldn't figure out why.

I started to think.

Why am I here?

Why is he taking care of me?

I got annoyed of all my question.

"Shut up, what is wrong with you? You didn't even go against staying here! You are so ungrateful! You're the reason your family died! If you wouldn't have been such a bitch they wouldn't have left without you, or go you in the first place! You're just a worthless piece of crap!" I screamed at myself. I always talk to myself, the other half of me wasn't too nice to me.

All of the sudden there was a whoosh and both Damon and Stefan were on either sides of my bed.

"What's wrong?" Stefan's eyebrows were knitted together.

"I do this when I can't go to sleep," I lied.

"Yeah," Damon said sarcastically, "now what's really wrong?"

"Nothing, gawd!" I was starting to get annoyed.

"Do you want to talk about in the morning?" Stefan asked.

"That would be perfect," I forced a smile.

They went out of the room and I began to whisper to my self. I didn't really have nice things to say about myself. I didn't sleep all night.

I could walk on my own now. I got out of bed and brushed my teeth. After I washed my face I looked in the mirror. My eyes were bloodshot and I had black circles under them. Not a good look for an extremely pale face.

I put on a fake cheery and happy mood and walked down stairs. I flopped onto the couch.

"Stefan!" I sung.

"Yeah Rose?"

"I need coffee,"

"Then go make some,"

"But you're in the kitchen!"

"Ugh, fine, but you owe me"

"Sure I do."

Damon was on an arm chair reading a book.

"Damon," I sung


"You don't even know what I was going to ask!"

"Then ask,"

"Can you give me a piggy back ride?"


"Meanie butt!"

Stefan chuckled and hand me my coffee, "how old are you four,"

"Correction I'm two," I smiled.

"You had some pretty colorful things to say about yourself last night," Damon stated not looking up from the book.

I didn't answer.

"And now you're faking being happy," he put down the book and crossed his arms.

"Well, I'm a colorful gal," I said quietly.

"Do you really think that about yourself?" Stefan asked.

All of the sudden the door clicked open, it was Elena.

Saved by the Elena.

I took a sigh of relief.

"Why is it so quiet, what's going on?"

"Finally some human interaction," I forced a smile.

"Well it's nice to see you too Rose," Elena cheered.

Damon rolled his eyes, "stop ignoring our questions,"

Elena looked really confused.

"God Rose! Hurry up!" Damon was getting really impatient.

"You know what Damon! Maybe I do think that way! Can't you take a hint, I didn't want to talk about it!" I screamed and ran upstairs to the room I was staying in even though it hurt so much. I sat down on the bed and cradled my head in my hands.

What have I done? I yelled at the one person who helped me the most. I sat there for hours, just thinking.

There was a knock on the door.

"Are you ok?" I looked up to see Stefan with Elena behind him. They walked up to the bed and sat beside my.

"Yeah," I lied.

"Are you sure?" Elena asked.

"Just dandy,"

"Ok we won't pester you about it" Stefan said. They got up and closed the door behind them.

I buried my face in a pillow and cried.

"Not on my good pillow!" I jumped at Damon's voice.

"Sorry," mumbled.

Suddenly he was sitting right next to me, "no I'm sorry I shouldn't have kept asking you questions,"

"I'm sorry I snapped like that, I just didn't sleep at all last night,"

"It's fine," he pulled me into a calming hug.

"Don't you ever get annoyed of life,"

"Whoa there Suzy Suicide, don't thing about doing anything drastic okay,"

"No, I'm just asking, you've been living for so long,"

"It has it's ups and downs. It's cool not growing old. I like being the eternal stud," he smirked.

"You mean eternal jerk," I laughed while pushing his arm.

"Whatever, go to sleep,"

I rolled my eyes, "fine mom,"

I quickly drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

I heard horrid music blasting into my ears.

"What in god's name is that sound,"

"Rise and shine Sleeping Beauty,"

"Ugh, no Damon go away,"

"But I made breakfast!"

''Damon Salvatore cooks!" I said sarcastically.

"Yeah now get up!"

"Fine, fine,"

I got up and brushed my teeth. I put my hair in a messy bun and walked downstairs.

I sat down at the kitchen table, and Damon placed a plate of bacon and sausages.

"Thank god you didn't put egg or Ketchup on my plate,"

Stefan chuckled, "ha Damon you owe me 50 dollars,"

"Ugh here," Damon handed Stefan a 50 dollar bill.

"You guys were betting on whether I like eggs or not, nice real nice,"

"I heard your birthday's tomorrow, Rose," Damon stated.

"How did you find out?"

"I have my birdies all over the place, just start packing summer clothes,"

"But it's December!"

"So? And don't forget a bathing suit,"

"Ok? I'll do it later,"



I just noticed that whenever someone asks Rose if she's ok and Rose has to lie she use 'dandy'. Weird. YOU GUYS SHOULD COMMENT IF YOU WANT SOMETHING TO HAPPEN. I mean it.

hI I LiKe RiGhTiNg LiKe ThIs. HehEHehE

Bye my pretties.

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