Bobbys pov
when we arrive at the hospital Eddie is sat in the waiting room with his head in his hands I walk over and put my hand on his back he jumps and looks up
"its only me" I say sitting next to him I look more into his eyes tears falling
"hey he's gonna be ok" I say it hurts me to see him like this and to see how much he loves him
" I told him to shoot me and then he shot him why would he do that" Eddie says words becoming a little uncommunicable I just grab his shoulders and pull him closer.
"hes gonna be ok" I whispered but not knowing that myself a doctor walks out and grabs Eddie to go talk to him all I hear is hes in a coma and we are not sure if he will wake up that's all I got to hear before Eddie fall to the floor I jump up and pull him in both of us now sat on the floor I turn to look at chim and hen who are giving sympathetic looks . Maddie rushes in and I hear crys as chim fills her In.
eddies pov
after 3 hours of crying
" I need go for a walk" I announce
"do you want me to come with you" bobby asks I just shake my head I walk through the streets of LA everything reminds me of him and I'm not sure I will be able to live without him . Hes my world my everything I need him . I wonder through his fave places I go in the arcade and sit on the bench I remember about 3 weeks after we first met me and him we got off a rough shift and he took it pretty hard and I told him I knew how to cheer him up so we came to this arcade and we played and then we went on the bumper cars his hand accidentally touch mine I think thats when I actually knew I loved him I remembered how our eyes locked for a second and yeah I knew. I feel my face tears I hadn't even realised id been crying I stand up
" I can't do this without you" i mumble I dont want to do this without you I need you I wanna go with you I think as I make my way to the bridge
Bobbys pov
its been a hour
" where's Eddie have you guys seen him or heard from him" I say
" hes not answering my calls" hen adds
"ok we have to look for him hes in a bad place right now" I say
"ill stay here incase anything happens with buck" Maddy says me hen and chim run out the hospital and run in different ways I go straight to the coffee shop buck and Eddie often meet up at. I run in and no one had seen him and he wasn't here. I radio to hen and chim
" hes not at there house" hen says through the radio I feel panic chim radios through" hes not at the station cap" I panic
"search roof tops and piers everywhere you dont know what could be going through his head" I shout as I ran straight for the bridge over the water I see him stood on the edge I grab the radio
"on the bridge I need you u guys here and a ambo hes gonna jump" I said through the radio trying to stay as calm as possible before approaching him

I can't do it without you / a Buddie fanfic
Fanfiction!!!!!!!!!!!!! TW !!!!!!!!!!! buck is struggling with self harm and Eddie just wants to make the pain go away but could the feelings between them be more than friendship - with criss away at summer camp who knows what could happen