Happy New Year!

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Above you have master marksman, assassin and avenger Hawkeye. Sticking his tongue out at Thor.

It was one minute to midnight and everyone was still going strong, Steve was sticking to beer, Tony had challenged Nat to a drinking challenge, Clint was also part of the drinking game but had to quit after puking his gut out. Thor was fine, although Tony thought that sober Thor was enough to deal with. Bruce was never really a big drinker and was quietly listening to one of Rhodey's stories. Peter was underage so he was talking to the Maximoff's with a Capri-sun. Wanda and Pietro, although allowed to drink, were strictly forbidden by Nat and Clint until they thought they were ready. The twins thought of the two agent's kind of as surrogate parents. Peter who had been adopted by Tony and Pepper was loving his new life as well as having a baby sister called Morgan who was in fact not a baby but "fiyve and thwee quawters!" as she constantly reminded him. Morgan was passed out in her room after falling asleep on the couch.












Everyone around Peter was hugging and celebrating! And soon enough everyone was hammered. Tony had the great idea of doing karaoke when everyone one was told Clint said he would go first. Clint cleared his throat and sat at the piano. As the lights dimmed, he took a deep breath in and started playing.

When you're on a team with the Hulk and Thor

And we're all up there on the battle scene,

Will the people believe that I'm not quite as tough?

Will anyone even notice me?

Everybody started laughing at this.

But listen I've got powers too, they're pretty sweet.

I promise I can do so much more than just archery.

I'm serious guys.

I've got a collection of scarves and berets.

I play trombone in a ska band.

Everyone was howling with laughter!

I once got to second base on my Tinder date.

At this Pepper covered Peter's ears and everyone knew Clint was going to get told off after.

And my cat has got its own Instagram.

I tell you now

I kick ass at Mario Kart.

"Nah you don't! Grandpa America can beat you!" Yelled Pietro from his seat.

This year I played an extra in Paul Blart.

I can open a pickle jar

Tony let out a mock gasp.

I'm friggin' Hawkeye.

Maybe I'm as super as they are.

So maybe I still haven't lost my virginity.

At this Natasha did nothing but snort.

But when I bowl I always score at least 70, after six beers

Yes I know 'bout Captain America's strength.

Steve looked down in embarrassment.

Hulk becomes a towering man.

Bruce already had his head in his hands and didn't look up.

But I got seventh place in my fantasy league.

And I once butt-dialed Jean-Claude Van Damme.

When I go to Chipotle I get free guac.

I flirt with the cashier and she says I rock.

At this everybody turned their heads at Natasha who was still laughing but having a death stare at Clint.

I own water-resistant socks.

I'm friggin' Hawkeye.

Maybe I'm as super as they are.

Maybe I'm as super as they are.

Maybe I'm as super as they are.

Applause filled the air and Clint took an exaggerated bow and walked off the platform.

"Whatcha think?" Clint said, clearly very proud of himself.

Pepper did nothing accept hit him in the chest.


Pepper snorted "oh please, you're an Avenger for crying out loud."

Clint looked at Nat, "Tasha I'm hurt!" he said putting on puppy eyes to match Peter's.

When Natasha did nothing accept thank Pepper, Clint turned to the twins. "Kids! You're really going to let them bully me?"

"Sorry Clint, but it's too funny!" said Pietro between giggles

"Yeah, sorry Dad!"

Everything stopped and Peter could have sworn that the music stopped as well.

"What?" Said Wanda who clearly hadn't noticed her mistake.

"You just called Clint 'dad' "Peter pointed out.

"Oh, well I guess you are kind of like a dad, I mean Nat is like a mom," she said looking down at her shoes.

"Clint hugged Wanda and Pietro and kept his arm around them both."

"Y'all better watch out! These are my kids now!" He said putting of a fierce face.

"Also, mine so back off bird brain," Nat said laughing.

"So, you guys aren't freaking out?" Pietro said looking at them both in turn.

"Na, we knew." Said Nat

"We did?"

The group laughed at Clint and all sat down talking about the latest prank war until Pepper looked at the time

3:24 am

"Bed for your Peter," She said giving Tony an evil eye, so he didn't protest.

Peter, being the cinnamon roll he is, bid everyone goodnight and went upstairs."

"And you guys" Natasha pointed out.

"Night mom, night dad" Pietro said with a smirk before running to his room.

"Night dad, Night mom" Wanda said following in his brother's footsteps.

"Night Wanda"

"night kiddo"

Clint looked at Natasha, happiness radiating from him "Well, could this year get any better?"

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