Jedi Master Fury

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Hello! If you don't know who Mace Windu is from star wars:

1. You might find this confusing

2. Educate yourself 

"Peter Hurry up!" Tony yelled waiting outside a certain spider-kids door. Peter opened the door and the two walked/ran to the elevator where Tony yelled at Friday to get them to the long ASAP! There they both got into the first car that they came across and sped out of the garage.

"When we get there, no pop culture references Infront of Fury. Save them for Barton he is practically a child." Tony said tapping his finger on the steering wheel unconsciously.

"Okay, dad but you know you're in no position to talk about being a child," Peter said flashing a smirk at Tony.

"What do you mean?" Tony said turning his head at his son.

"Did you or did you not call Loki reindeer games, Thor point break and Nat-"

"Okay, I see your point." The two talked about science for the rest of the journey and soon enough they pulled up at S.H.I.E.L.D secure headquarters.

As the two walked in Peter became more nervous, so Tony kept an arm on his shoulder. He knew Peter became less nervous with physical touch. Tony pushed the door open and Peter greeted his many aunts and uncles, he was here as Peter had never met Nick Fury and given that he was Spiderman, Tony thought it was time.

After catching up with his 'family' Fury walked through the door. Tony looked at Peter, waiting for his reaction. At first, Peter's eyes widened then his brow was scrunched in thought before a pained expression flashed across his face. Peter barely spoke a word in the meeting Perhaps its just nerves Tony told himself.The meeting was fairly straight forward, with a couple of functions they would have to attend to and a new rule: Under no circumstances will S.H.I.E.L.D be responsible for any injuries due to Nerf gunfights.

As they left, Peter hugged his Aunt and Uncles before squeaking a goodbye to Fury then almost dragged Tony to the car.

"You okay?" Tony asked as Peter sat in the car seatbelt on before Tony had barely opened his door. "You seemed slightly off,"

"Why didn't you tell me Mr Fury was a Jedi?"

Tony was quite taken aback at this, Fury? A Jedi? "What do you mean?"

"Remember Mace Windu? The dude with a Purple lightsaber?"

Tony screwed his eyes up in concentration before it clicked "Holy Shit!"

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