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Big shout out to:


She is awesome and always supports my chapters! She has also written some amazing works! My favourite is her avenger one-shots although her Ships book had me in stitches! 


It was the day, Clint had been waiting for this day for nearly 7 years ever since he first fell head over heels for the redhead. Natasha, on the other hand, was shocked when she first came to SHIELD to find that she had a friend which grew into a best friend to a crush to the love of her life. She had never known love before and it was terrifying, frankly, she'd rather have to take on 50 armed guys than confront her feelings. But here she was in love with a handsome childish guy.

The two formidable spies had decided to get married on the lawn of the new avengers compound upstate New York. The tree's had been decorated with fairy lights and tables had been set up for the few people the couple trust. Clint was waiting in his room, bowtie slung around his kneck sat on his bedhead in his hands. Coulson knocked on the door, he was the closest thing Clint had to a father when Coulson sparred his life and homeschooled from SHIELD the two grew close. He sat down on the bed putting a hand on Clint's shoulder. 

"How is May, get any further with her? Is Skye okay? Cause it's been a while since I've seen you, let alone the others. Is Fitz still the adorable lost dog? And is May still kicking ass? I remember when I accidentally-"

"Clint, are you stalling?" Phill asked standing up

"What-no?" Clint said standing up in turn "I just-"

"It's okay to be nervous" Phill started to tie Clints bowtie and smoothed out his tux, keeping his hands on Clint's shoulders. 

"Romanoff loves you and you love Romanoff, Your gonna be fine,"

*************************Time skip************************************************************

Clint stood by the alter, Coulson at his side. Tony and Cap also next to him.

As the music started, Natasha came into view arm linked with Nick who refused to let anyone else walk her down the aisle. Clint's jaw dropped when he saw Natasha, she wasn't wearing copious amounts of makeup, just enough to cover her scars. Coulson nudged me and gestured that I close my mouth. Bruce who was sitting in the front row gave him a discreet thumbs-up while Thor just continued to smile. 

As Natasha reached Clint she smiled her beautiful smile. 

"Dearly beloved, we are here on this joyous occasion to celebrate the love between Clinton and Natasha...."

"Let us do the Vows. Clinton?" 

"Nat, I don't know where to begin, You and I have been through so much together, Russia, Bogata, Budapest! I love you so much, I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. Although we live two crazy lives and with our superhero family! I know that I don't deserve you and I know I am far from perfect," He gestured towards his ears where his hearing aids sat "But Nat, I will love you till the day I die, and will always protect you."

Natasha had tears in her eyes and everybody could hear Fury sniffling. 

"Thank you Clinton, Natasha?"

instead of opening her mouth to speak, she stepped forward and put her hands in his hair, taking out his hearing aids she passed them to Maria Hill. She lifted her hands and began to sign something. The avengers and a few S.H.I.E.L.D agents began to laugh and then let out an "Aw,".

She then handed back the hearing aids to a watery-eyed Clint. 

"To summerise, I love you Clint,"

"I love you so much, you're my dream girl," He responded his voice breaking.

"Clinton Francis Barton, Do you take this woman to be your wife?"

"I do,"

"Natasha Alianova Romanoff, do you take this man to be your husband?"

"I do," 

"Then I now pronounce you husband and wife,"

"You may kiss the bride,"

They embarrassed in a soft kiss and looked out on the guests the first time as a married couple.


Hey everyone, so I was wondering if you want more Dad-Nick or Dad-Coulson? I think its really nice especially as I know that family don't have to be biologically related. 

Requests are always welcome! 

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