Hiccup vs. Snotlout

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

I sit in the chair that's next to the rose and stare out the window. I watch everybody run from the castle but only one thing is one my mind.


Her beauitful golden hair that flowed down her shoulders. Her sapphire blue eyes that sparkle like the stars when she's happy. Oh, I miss her. I wish I didn't let her go, but it was the best thing to do. She needed to be with her father, I wasn't going to keep her from that any longer. If only I had the chance to tell her before she left, I would've found out if she felt the same or not.

I hear the door open softly and I look back. I see a guy pointing an arrow at me, I give a sad and depressed look. I see him pull the arrow back a bit farther, I look away and sigh softly. I don't care if I die anymore. I just want this pain to go away. I hear the arrow release and I feel a searing pain in my right wing. I roar and scream and I feel it sink into my skin.

I close my eyes to try and release the pain but I'm pushed out the window and onto the belcony. The guy laughs as I try to stand up. He jumps through the hole in the window and kicks me off the belcony. I roll down the roof onto the edge. The guy jumps down and walks to me, "Get up." He says. I don't budge so he kicks me to where I'm dead if I fall. "Get up! What's the matter dragon? To kind and gentle to fight back?" I look down and close my eyes. He walks over and grabs a spike from the side of the roof. He walks to me with this mad syco look on his face.

"No!" I look down to see Astrid sitting on her horse looking at us, scared. "No! Snotlout please!" She yells.

"Astrid." I whisper. Right when the guy brings the spike down, I turn around and grab it before it can hurt me. I stand up and push him back up the roof. I get some distance between us before letting go and moving away so he doesn't hit me. I crawl up to him and growl. He backs away with every step I take towards him.

He tries hitting me with the spike again but I block it. I grab it and jerk it out of his hands, making him fall to the edge of the roof. I jump at him and we go rolling down to another level of the castle's roof. He kicks me off him and I fly into the shadows. He picks the spike up and starts walking my way. I hide in the shadows so he can't see me. He knocks the head off on of the goblins and grunts.

"Come on out and fight!" He yells. "Are you in love with her dragon? Did you honestly think she'd want you when she had someone like me?!"

I hide in the shadows and watch him walk by. I walk out and follow him, growling quietly. He turns aroud and swings his spike at me. I grab it with my claws to keep it away from me. We turn around and I start backing away from him. He swings like a maniac, making me back up to a ledge.

"It's all over dragon!! Astrid is mine!!" He swings his stick back and prepares to swing it forward. I take the thing out of his hand and throw it to the side. I then grab him by the throat and hold him over the ledge, ready to drop him. "Please, let me go! Please! Don't hurt me! I'll do anything! Anything!!"

I look at him for a minute and my face loosens. I growl and bring him back onto the roof. "Get out." I growl. I let him go and throw him to the floor.

"Hiccup!' I look up to see Astrid standing on the belcony.

"Astrid." She holds out her hand as I start walking up the roof. "Astrid." I reach my hand out for hers. I grab hold of her hand and cup her cheek with my other one. "You can back."

She leans into the touch as something stabs into my back. I throw my head back and roar in pain. Astrid grabs me by my shirt as the man falls of the belcony and into the spiked moat. He screams like a girl as he plumeges down to his death. Astrid helps me up and over the railing. Blood pours down my side as I lay down on the floor. I close my eyes because I feel weak, but open them back up when I feel a hand caress my cheek.

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