The Dragon

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Astrid's P.O.V.

I was at home reading another book, when I heard a nay coming from outside. I lift my head form my book bf close it, putting it on the table.

I go outside to see Ember going out of control. I run toward her to calm her down. I hold her reigns and put my hand on her snout.

"It's okay girl! Calm down!" I manage to get her calm within a couple of seconds. I look at her saddle to find no one sitting in it.

"Papa." I gasp. I head inside to grab my clock before running out.

"Bring me to papa girl!" I jump on her back and snap the reigns, making her run off.

We run far from the village and into the forest. We run past thousands of trees, jumping over fallen branches and dodging others. The dirt flies from underneath Embers hooves along with chunks of newly fallen snow. We head down dozens of trails, mostly darkened ones, soon arriving at a castle.

I jump off Embers back and open the gates. I find my fathers hat on the ground, so I pick it up and look at it.

"Papa." I say.

There's a bridge that leads to the castle doors, with a big rocky pit on either side. I run toward the cracked open door and head inside calling my father. I run up across each floor, trying to find out where he could be.

"Papa!" I call. I continue to walk and call until I hear a door squeak open.

I look over my shoulder to find a door perched open, with a staircase inside. I head inside and continue calling my fathers name. I reach the top to see a whole bunch of doors.

"Papa!" I call again, this time with a response.

"Astrid?!" I grab a torch and run to the door my father is trapped behind.

"Your sick is like ice! Who put you here?" I ask.

"Astrid, you must get out of here. It's not safe here!" He says.

"No, I'm not leaving without you!" I tell him.

"You must!"


"What are you doing here?!" I feel a hand on my shoulder, picking me up and making me stand. The torch flies out of my hand and the fire goes out, making it dark.

"Who's there? Who are you?" I ask frightened, although I'm trying not to show it!

"The master of this castle!" The voice booms.

"I'm here for my father." I answer. "I need to take him home! Can't you tell? He's sick!" I say.

"Well then he shouldn't have trespassed!" The voice grows louder. I'm starting to realize that it sounds like a guy, probably somewhere around my age.

"He could die!" I yell.

"He's my prisoner!" He says.

"Please! I'll do anything!" Then a crazy idea pops into mind. "Take me instead!"

"What?" He asks, his voice hushed a bit.

"Let him go, and take me in his place!" I say again.

"Astrid no!" My father yells.

"You that?" The voice asks.

"Yes, but if I did, would you let him go?" I ask.

"Yes, but you must promise to stay here, with me, forever." He tells me.

"Astrid! Please! Don't!" My father pleads.

I've noticed that he's been avoiding the light. So, if I'm gonna stay here for the rest of my life, then I need to see who he is.

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