Inventors Daughter

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Astird's P.O.V.

I sit up in bed and stretch my arms. It's a new day and I need to get a new book from town.

Before I go any further, let me introduce myself. My name is Astrid Belle Hofferson. I'm 20 years old and I live with my father in a small town called Berk. He's an inventor, and he's actually quite good at it. He'll be leaving later today to head to a inventors contest in Little Town. I've never been in love, it's because I've never found the right guy.

I get out of bed and put on my usual red dress with black flats. I braid my hair in its usual braid and put it in a bun. I put my headband on and look in the mirror. (She looks like the pic above!)

I head downstairs afterwards to get some breakfast. I see my father munching on some bread while looking at blue prints.

"Morning papa!" I greet as I kiss his check.

"Morning Sweetheart!" He greets.

"Working on another invention papa?" I ask.

"No, I'm just checking the blue prints for my current one. I wanna make sure I have all the pieces in the right place." He says.

"I'm sure you do papa." I take a slice of bread and spread some butter on it.

"So, what are you up to today?" He asks.

"I was going to head down to the market and grab a new book." I say munching my bread.

"You finished the other one already?" He sounds surprised.

"Yup!" I smile.

"You should slow down a bit. Open your eyes to the world, go on adventures, fall in love!" He looks at me and gestures with his hands.

"Papa, that's why I read the books! To get the feeling! Plus I can't leave you alone! Beside there's no one out there that I like!" I answer.

"What about that Snotlout guy? He seems nice." He did not just mention Snotlout!

"Snotlout?! Eww, no!" There is no way I'm dating him! He's known as the town flirt! He wants to marry me but of course, there's no way I'm gonna let that happen.

"What's wrong with him?" He asks.


"He seems like a nice guy." He states.

"But he's not! He's the complete opposite father!" I retort.

"Alright, alright, have fun in town dear. I'm heading to the shed to work on my invention." He grabs his blue prints and kisses me on the check before heading out the door. "See you later dear!" He calls.

"See you papa!" I call back.

Once I'm finished with my bread, I grab my basket and head towards the door.

(Now playing: Belle, from 'Beauty and the Beast')
A: Astrid
TF: Townsfolk
S: Snotlout
G: Gustav
B: Baker
M: Man I-V
W: Women I-IV
BS: Bookseller
SK: Shopkeeper
BB: Bimbettes

🎶A: Little Town

It's a quite village

Every day

Like the ones before

Little Town

Full with little people

Waking up to say

TF: Bonjour!


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