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Astrid's P.O.V.

"Elizabeth, there's something I must tell you." Prince Henry grabbed my hands and spoke softly.

"What is it?" I asked.

He goes down on one knee and pulls out a black box, opening it to revile a diamond encrusted ring laying on a velvet pillow.

"Elizabeth, from the moment I first laid my eyes on you, I instantly feel in love. You have a voice of an angel and a heart of a goddess. You've been on my mind every second of everyday, and I can't live without you. Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife, my queen, and marry me?"

'Knock, knock, knock.'

My story was interrupted by a knock on the door. I sighed and but the bookmark in my book, marking the page, before putting it on the table. I get out of my seat and head to the door.

I look through the telescope my father has invented so we could see who was outside. I saw Snotlout in a suit, picking something out between his teeth. Disgusting! I groan before opening it.

"What do you want Snotlout?" I asked annoyed.

"You, the fairest lady in town, to become my wife." He said bowing.

"Me? Marry you? I think not!" I go to shut the door but he stops it with his foot.

"Oh, come on Astrid. I know you love me, so you can stop denying it now." He reaches a hand toward my cheek. I grab it and flip him, making him land on his back.

"I don't love you! So go find another girl to marry because I'm not interested!" I pick him up and kick him out of the house. He lands in a mud puddle, face first. I smirk and shut the door, going back to my book to read.

I stood there, speechless. My hands were over my chest as I gasped at his words.

"YES!" I cheered and jumping on him, making him fall to the ground with me on top.

We sit up as he takes the ring and slips it on my finger. I turn to him and kiss him on the lips. When we pulled apart, we laid our foreheads against each other.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you more." I whisper back.

"I love you most."

DAMIT! He did it again! How can he do that?

I shut the book at the end of the chapter, smiling at the love between the two. I hope I can find true love like theirs one day, not a Snotlout.

I head to the door and peek outside, checking to see if Snotface is still out there. Nope! No sign of him! Good!

(Now playing: Belle (reprise) from 'Beauty and the Beast')

🎶 Is he gone? Can you imagine? He asked me to marry him! Me, the wife of that boorish, brainless....

"Madame Snotlout!"

Can't you just see it?

"Madame Snotlout!"

His 'little wife'

No sir! Not me!

I guarantee it!

I want much more than this provincial life

I want adventure in the great wide somewhere

I want it more than I can tell

And for once it might be grand

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