Going Back

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Snotlout's P.O.V.

"I don't usually leave the asylum in the middle of the night, but he said you'd make it worth my while." Dagur, the owner of the asylum, said. I take a bag and throw it across the table toward him. He opens it and takes out a coin, twisting it in his fingers. "I'm listening."

"It's like this," I start, "I got my heart set on marrying Astrid, but she needs a little..persuasion."

"Haha! Turned him down flat!" Gustav said. I elbow him in the side, making his cup get stuck on his face.

"Everybody knows her father is a lunatic! He was in here to night, raving about a dragon in a castle." I continue.

"Francis is harmless." He says.

"The point is, Astrid would do anything to keep him from being locked up." I say.

"Haha, yeah! Even marry him!" I bring my hand back as to slap Gustav, but he puts the cup over his head.

"So you want me to throw her father into the asylum, unless she agrees to marry you." We nod. "Oh how despicable. Muahahaha! I love it!!"


Francis's P.O.V.

I head back home and open the door. I head inside and shut the door behind me, keeping the cold harsh wind out. I grab a satchel and put it on my shoulder. I go around the house and grab a compass, a map, and anything else that I'll need.

"If no one will help me, then I'll go back alone!" I say to absolutly nobody. "I'll do whatever it takes to find that castle. I will have my daughter back!"

I grab some warmer clothes and stick them in the satchel. I'm already coming down with something, I don't need it to get worse. I grab a lit lantern and head out the door, closing it behind me. I walk down the steps and into the woods.

Who knows what that vicious monster has done to her. She could be locked up in a dungeon and being starved to death! She could have brusies and scars all over her body! I'm going to go back and get my daughter! I will do whatever it takes to get her back! Even if its the last thing I do!


Snotlout's P.O.V.

We arrive at Astrid's house to grab her father. I walk up the porch steps and kick the door open.

"Astird?! Francis?!" I call out.

"Oh well! I guess it's not gonna work after all." Gustav turns around and heads towards the door. I grab him by his shirt and pick him up.

"They have to come back sometime. And when they do, we'll be ready for them! Gustav!" I throw him into a pile of snow next to the front steps. "Don't move from that spot until Astrid and her father come home!" I jump onto the back of the wagon and hold on.

"B-b-b-but......" I couldn't hear the rest of what Gustav was saying. All I know is that I'm going to get Astrid to marry me, and I'll do whatever it takes to make her mine!


Hiccup's P.O.V.

I was outside watching Astrid walk her horse around in the snow. She seemed a bit down but cheered up when her horse nudged her. Toothless runs towards her and ends up in a snowbank, covering him with snow. He pops out of the snow and barks before running into her arms.

As I watch her, I look down at my bandaged arm. She's been kind and sweet to me, even though she didn't have to. Watching her play with Toothless makes my heart flutter. It's something I've never felt before. It's different, but good.

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