Kill The Dragon!

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Astrid's P.O.V.

I quickly change and head out the door and look for my father. I get on Ember and run into the forest. I hear Hiccup's roar in the distence as he watches me run.I spot my father laying on the ground about halfway into the forest. I pick him up and have Ember help me get him on her back. I climb on and snap the reigns, telling her to go. We run to our house and I carry him inside.

I lay him on his bed and run downstairs to grab some hot water. I come back up with the water and a rag and gently wipe him down with it. He slowly opens his eyes and looks at me.

"Astrid?" He asks.

"Shh, it's alright papa. I'm home." I say as I wipe his forehead.

"I thought I'd never see you again." He says as he hugs me.

"I missed you so much!" I hug him back before pulling away.

"But the dragon? Did you... How did you escape?" He asks.

"I didn't escape papa! He let me go." I say.

"That horrible dragon?" He asks.

"He's different now papa, he's..changed somehow." I tell him as I hear a bag rustle. I look over to see the bag fall and Chip popping out.

"Hi!" He says.

"Oh, a stoaway!" I tease.

'Why, hello there little fella." My dad chuckles. "I-I didn't think I'd see you again."

"Astrid, why did you go away?" Chip asks. "Don't you like us anymore?"

"Oh Chip, of course I do. It's just tha-" I'm inturrupted by a knock on the door. I stand up and walk over to the door. I open it to see the head of the asylum, Dagur. "Can I help you?"

"I've come to collect your father." He says, tapping his fingers together.

"My father?" I ask.

"Don't worry Mad'moiselle, we'll take good care of him." He steps a side to show a wagon and a crowd of people. On the side of it, it says Berk's Asylum.

"My father isn't crazy!" I say stepping out of the house.

"He was radging like a lunitic! We all hear him, didn't we?" Gustav yells.

"No, I won't let you!" I yell.

"Astrid?" My father comes and stands by the door.

"Francis, tell us again how big was the dragon?" Gustav asks.

"H-h-he was enormous! I'd say at least 6-no 8 feet tall." Everybody in the crowd laughs at him.

"You don't get more crazy than that!" Gustav laughs.

"It's true I tell you!" My father runs down the steps and yells into the crowd.

"Get him outta here!" Gustav yells as two men grab my father by the arms and pull him to the wagon.

"Let go of me!" He screams.

"No! You can't do this!" I yell and run in front of Dagur. He walks away without a word.

"Poor Astrid," Snotlout comes up behind me wraps his arm around my shoulders. "It's a shame about your father."

"You know he's not crazy Snotlout!" I hold him by the collar and face him.

"Hmm, I might be able to clear up this little understanding, if.." He trails off and smirks at me.

"If what?" I ask.

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