Wolf Chase

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Astrid's P.O.V.

He stands there with his wings spread behind him. A faint light covered his face. You can see anger and rage in his peircing emerald eyes. He leaps forward and grabs the glass cover, covering the enchanted flower.

"Why did you come here?" He growls.

"I-I'm sorry."

"I've warned you not to come here!" He starts raising his voice and walks towards me, making me back up.

"I didn't mean any harm." I went behind a table, hoping to separate us.

"Do you realize what you could've done!!" Hiccup was full on yelling now. He threw the table across the room, knocking everything on it onto the floor.

"Stop!!" I beg. My back is against a dresser, causing the space between us to shrink as he stepped closer.

"Get out!!" I run towards the door as he throws other pieces of furniture out of the way. "GET OUT!!!"

I ran out the door and down the stairs, all the way to the front entrence. I grab my cloak and tie it around my neck.

"Where are you going?!" Eret asks.

"Promise or no promise! I can't stay here another minute!" I open the door to see a snow storm starting to form.

"No! Wait, please! Please!!" Fishlegs begs.

I get on Emerald and trot down the bridge, and out the gate. We head into the forest to see taht we lost the trail back to village. Oh no! I duck my head to miss some low branches covered with snow. Off in the distence, I could see bats fly towrd the sky. This makes Emerald jump back in fright causing howls to form around us.

I look around us to see piercing red eyes staring at us. At this moment I knew what they were:



Hiccup's P.O.V.

"GET OUT!!" I yelled.

I watched her run out the door and down the hall. I can feel my face soften a bit. Wait, what have I done?

"Master, the girl just ran out of the castle!" Yelled Ruff and Tuff.

"What?!" I growl. I run out onto my belconly to see Astrid on her horse running out of the castle grounds.

I spread my wings and take flight into the winter sky. I head toward the forest and dive in. I fly over bushes and under branches. I've had to put my arms above my eyes so I'd be able to see through this snow storm. A faint smell starts to fill my nose, a mix of a girl and a pack of wild dogs. I fly closer to see a pack of wovles surronding Astrid and her horse.

Astrid swats a stick around at the wolves, but one of them grabs it and takes it out of her hand. Another wolf grabs her cloak and throws her onto the floor. I take this as my opportunity to come in.

As a wolf jumps towards her, I pick it up and growl in it's face before throwing it. I stand over Astrid and glare at the other wolves. I snarl before leaping out at them. They all attack me at once, making it hard to move.

As I throw and push them away, one claws my wing making me yelp in pain. Another one bits my right arm as I try to throw them back with it. I use my tail to wack the ones around me to clear some space. One jumps on my back and digs his claws into it. I scream and throw him into a tree, causing them all the flee.

I stand up and look at Astrid in pain. I try saying sorry but it comes out as a growl instead. I start feeling dizzy and my eyelids start feeling weak. Then, everything goes black.

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