Volume 1 Chapter 16: Alabasta & War?

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Previously: A few hours later~ Victoria headed towards her ship to set sail. She and Smoker are going to the same place surprisingly enough.

Victoria saw a sand island up ahead, she ran towards the front of the ship and stood on the front railing. The closer they got to the island the faster her heartbeat became. Smoker looked over to see her expression and went say something but she leaped off her ship. He facepalmed so quickly. "Take care of the ship and surround the island with Captain Smoker's men!" "Yes, Ma'am!" She landed gracefully onto the ground and she instantly disappeared sprinting towards where Crocodile was located in the report.

She stopped in front of a giant casino building with a golden Crocodile. Her body froze in place and her heartbeat became even faster. "I want to see him but I'm scared." She gripped onto her chest and took her steps towards the entrance very slowly.

She reached the door and the guard stopped her but saw that she was a Marine. He stepped aside and she walked inside. She looked straight ahead and saw another guard and a back room. She let go of her chest and started to walk more confidently towards the back. "Excuse me, Ma'am you can't..." She glared at him. "I'm Captain Victoria, my men and I are going to be here for a while. But I have business with the owner. Let me through or I'll have to arrest you." He gulped fearfully and took a step aside. She walked past him and started shaking as her heart was beating so fast that she could hear nothing but her heartbeat.

She reached a glass tunnel surrounded by water with banana gators swimming around the underwater base under the casino.

She reached out for the double doors that led to the main room. She gulped hesitantly and pushed them both open.

Her heart skipped a beat when she saw her father's back turned as he was on the phone with someone. He hung up the phone and appeared behind her with his hand around her neck. His voice was rough, deep, and relaxed like she remembered. "Why is a Marine here? Are you here to arrest me?" She smiled happily at his threats. "Nah, I'm here to see my dad. Is that illegal or something?" He went into shock over her words and appeared in front of her to see her more clearly. He froze up in shock. She smirked devilishly at his surprise,"Hey dad. Long time no see, huh?" She started breathing heavily,"Fuck. I guess. I overdid it." She collapsed to her hands and knees. He just stared at her speechless. She exhaled slowly and pushed herself back up. She smiled at her father and said,"Before you say anything. I don't agree with your actions or way of life but you are still my father and I still love you." He took a step forward but stopped himself from getting anywhere near her. She nodded her head. "I get it, you feel guilty for leaving me. And you don't want to corrupt me or something like that. Sorry to say but I'm way past that point in another way. And plus I'm glad you left me there." His eyes widened at her blunt words. She walked towards him casually with a shine in her right eye. He was inches taller than her, she was just as tall as him. "Listen, dad. I will love you no matter what happens." She hugged him and whispered,"But as a Marine, I'm here to stop you from making a big mistake." She dashed backward but her legs stopped working. She fell backward and hit the ground only to see human hands holding onto her ankles. She panicked but couldn't move an inch since she pushed herself too much running there. She looked up to see her father reach out to grab her. She screamed out,"Don't hurt me! Please!" He stopped in place and turned around trying to keep it together. "Mrs. Sunday put the Marine in the cell, unharmed. I'll be back very soon." He walked past her and said nothing. She watched him walk away from her again as she was dragged to his special Seastone prison cell. "Come BACK!" She screamed out with tears streaming down her face. He flinched slightly but continued to walk away from her sight.

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