Volume 2 Chapter 3: Guardian Hawk

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Previously: She fell forward into the sea. Hawkeye panicked and threw his sword and Jacket to the ground and dove into the sea after her. Kaku interrogated the man to see who hired him, before he died. "Blackbeard…hired me to kill Victoria Val Quinn." Then suddenly the man breathed his last breath and drifted off to sleep forever.

Hawkeye reached out underwater and grabbed her wrist. She was bleeding out in the water. He swam to the surface, a sea king smelled her blood and went flying towards them. Hawkeye used Conqueror's Haki and the giant sea king died mid air. He did CPR on Victoria and she coughed out a ton of seawater. She opened her right eye slightly. "Please don't leave me alone. Hawk…" She fell back asleep. He held her hand as Moon and Sunny healed her wounds. Once the wounds were closed he carried her to her bedroom. He sat up against the wall with his sword and hat leaning up against the opposite wall.

Several days later~ Victoria woke up in a cold sweat breathing heavily. She looked over and saw Hawkeye sleeping with his hat covering his eyes. He had his arms crossed as he sat up against the wall next to her bed. She shook his shoulder gently and he looked over at her with a serious expression. He relaxed and smirked slightly at her with a shine in his unique hawk eyes. He got up from sitting down on the floor and set down his hat on her desk. He pulled up a chair and sat next to her. "Are you alright now?" She nodded her head slowly. He stood up and held out his hand. She grabbed his hand and smiled. He helped her stand, she saw her outfit was ripped. He gathered his stuff and left the room so she could change into new clothes.

A few minutes later~

She walked out with another pair of her Vice Admiral outfit. Her crew ran towards her relieved that she was alright now. Hawkeye started to leave but she pushed past her crew and grabbed his wrist. He turned around to see her hugging him. "Please don't leave, please escort us to the island." He sighed and nodded his head. Her crew looked confused.

She smiled happily and jumped up in the air like a little kid. He patted her head and she blushed lightly. Her crew got even more confused.

Moon~ "Captain Victoria, why are you so nice to pirates? First it was Crocodile, Ace, Luffy, Shanks, and now Mihawk. I just don't understand."

Kaku~ "It's disgraceful!"

Sunny~ "It's kinda weird."

Her smile disappeared and she glared at them all irritated. Hawkeye took a step back and she scoffed. She sighed deeply,"It's because of my upbringing. Do you know anything about my parents?" They all shook their heads. "I'm father is "Crocodile The Ex-Warlord." And my mother is "Venus Val Quinn the famous bounty hunter." She betrayed the world government to marry my father." They all looked at her with nothing but shock. She turned her back and walked towards the front of the ship,"I grew up around death and gore. I was trained personally by my parents, but one day we ran into WhiteBeard. He killed my mother and hurt my father severely. My left eye got damaged that day as well. After that happened, my father dropped me off at a Marine Base on the Grand Line. Vice Admiral Garp adopted me and the rest is history." She turned around only to be embraced by her entire crew. She tensed up and started to cry. "We love you Captain!" They all said crying. Even Kaku was openly crying.

A few days later~ (They are almost to Sabaody.)

Victoria~ "I really appreciate you traveling with us. I really needed this."

Hawkeye~ He nodded his head and went to say something but slashed the air, cutting through a thin line of string heading towards Victoria.

They both dodged a deadly kick from a familiar face. He went to punch Kaku that tried to protect his Captain but Moon & Sunny stepped in and held out their hands and blocked his deadly punch and the gust of sharp wind from hitting their crewmate. Victoria kicked another familiar face in the stomach but it barely affected them. "Doflamingo and Vergo…" Victoria said underneath her breath. "Vice Admiral Victoria and Dracule Mihawk." Doflamingo said laughing sadistically afterward. A sadistic grin grew across her face. "I wonder if you are the friend my father talked about. I heard you and him have history, but before he dropped me off, he said he was going to visit a friend in Dressrosa." Doflamingo's sadistic grin disappeared and he spoke,"Stand down and return to the ship, Vergo." He stared directly at Victoria, towering over her. She stood tall and looked up at him with a serious look in her right eye. He used Haki but Victoria and Dracule barely even flinched. "I'm Crocodile's daughter." He scoffed and went to kick her, she kicked back and they cancelled out each other's attack. "You are the reason he's in jail, you piece of shit!" She growled at his statement. "You think I had a choice!? Well I didn't have a choice! I warned him ahead of time, but he refused knowing that I was breaking the law. He chose to break our chance to heal our bond to pursue the throne of Alabasta!" She screamed out with frustration. "I had no choice but to stop him. It was my duty as a Marine Vice Admiral." She fell to her knees crying a fountain of tears. She looked down at the ground as tears streamed down her face. Everyone went to protect her from Doflamingo but they froze in place due to her Riptide Haki. He stopped inches away from kicking her in the head due to Hawkeye's Sword. "You aren't getting anywhere near her without going through me, Doffy." He glared at his old friend with a death glare. They both looked at each other prepared to fight. Then suddenly she spoke up. "I'm sorry." They all looked at her surprised and confused about why she's sorry. "Val.." Hawkeye went to speak but she cut him off. "I'm sorry for separating him from you. I know as a Marine I shouldn't care about criminals but as his daughter, I love him. I miss him. I-i hope one day he will escape that prison and be free again. I hope we can be friends one day. I love pirates, and those who I call my enemies. I once was one myself. I had a dream to be the queen of the pirates. But as you can see that can't happen anymore." Everyone watched her stand up and pull out her lucky sword. She cut the palm of her right palm and then sheathed her sword. Doflamingo looked down at her hand as she held it out for him to grab. "How about a truce?" Doflamingo reached out his hand and everyone tensed up. He grabbed her neck instead. Everyone got ready to fight but she just smiled happily at him. "Are you sure you want to kill your lover's daughter?" Everyone's eyes widened in shock. Doflamingo hesitated and then his grip tightened. "I know you love him. I visited him at Impel Down, do you want to know what he said to me? He said,"Tell Doffy that I'll think about him daily." I told you his words, now you can kill me." She closed her right eye and relaxed her body. His grip started to choke her but he suddenly stopped. He sighed softly,"I guess killing you will make him hate me. I'll make a truce with you until we have to fight each other in the future." She smiled happily at his decision and he cut his hand. They both shook on their truce with a blood promise. He grinned sadistically. "Can we speak in private on your ship, Doflamingo?" She said, bluntly without any hesitation. Her crew went to say something,"Don't worry about me, I'll have Hawkeye by my side. Take care of the ship while I'm gone."

The three of them headed on Doflamingo's Pirate ship. She chatted with him for a few hours and then started to leave. But she stops at his door and runs towards Doffy and hugs him tightly. "I promise you, the next time we talk again like this, we'll be friends and not enemies." She pulled away and smiled genuinely at him. He scoffed irritated but he was blushing lightly and didn't want to show it.

Victoria and Hawkeye land on her ship and she waves goodbye to Doffy. He waved goodbye too. She talks to Hawkeye for a few minutes before they arrive at Sabaody.

Hawkeye told her that someone else knew her mother, a famous man that goes by "Silvers Rayleigh." They were great friends when she used to be a part of the Rodger's Pirate Crew. Later on in life, they still are drinking buddies. "He's based at Shakky's Rip-off Bar and is at Grove 13. It's run by Shakuyaka, she's very knowledgeable, tell her that I sent you."

Victoria hugged him tightly and he patted her head. "I'll see you later, kid." She

Hawkeye hopped on his ship and waved goodbye to Victoria. She did the same. They docked at Grove 55 and signed in under Vice Admiral Victoria.

To be continued…

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