Volume 1 Chapter 6: Monkey D. Dragon!?

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Previously: They treated her wounds and she slept next to Dragon for a few hours and then started to wake up, near midnight smelling delicious food....

She sat up yawning softly. She opened her right eye and saw several men staring directly back at her. She jumped out of her skin and then heard,"Chill out kid." She looked to her right and saw the man who spared her life and made a blood pact with her. It wasn't a dream and it all really happened.

She instantly relaxed and gripped onto her Lucky sword that was by her side. "Thank you." She said smiling happily at him. He was surprised that she was so relaxed compared to a few hours ago. She remembered something. "Excuse me, sir, what do I call you? My name is Victoria Val Quinn." She said her last name and everyone deadpanned, especially the leader himself. He was in shock over her last name because he knows or well knew her mother. "Quinn and Val? Like Venus Val Quinn? Is that your mother?" She looked shocked and said nothing else except for, "Yes, why?" He was speechless at this point, which is rare for him to be this affected by someone's words. "Sir?" She said, concerned about him. He sighed softly, "I'm fine, I just was curious. I've heard about her, she was a very famous bounty hunter." She looked upset. "Yeah she was, or so I've heard." She said, trying not to cry. "You can just call me Dragon." His men went in shock over their leader giving out his name so easily. She saw the reactions and guessed that him telling her his name was a pretty rare thing. She smiled happily the best she could. "Well it's nice to meet you, Mr. Dragon, I'm Victoria." She gave up on her middle name then and just committed to her first name that her mother gave her. She started crying when she said her name was Victoria. They all gasped as she smiled happily while crying at the same time. He shook her hand that she held out. "Well now that we met officially, tell me about yourself kid." She nodded her head smiling.

Dragon asks about her life as a marine so far and who is her teacher. She talks about Captain Garp, about Chase, and about how the other Marines here that are now dead treated her like trash. She said if it weren't for Chase, she would have joined him. She talked about her mother and father some more.

She showed off her Haki abilities of what she can do so far. He was so impressed that he asked one of his men to go get something from the ship. It was a devil fruit, he said that he would leave this at a place called loguetown just for her. In 10 years or so he's going to leave it there and meet her at a bar that only serves pirates. "If you are a Captain at that point then, I'll tell you something about your mother."

Her eyes widened in shock and she clenched her fist tightly saying, "I'll become stronger and be one of the strongest Captains by then! Just you all wait! I'll be there and waiting for you!" She smiled widely with a shine in her right eye. He chuckled at her determination to get stronger. "I'll be looking forward to seeing the results."

Val spends time with Dragon and his crew for at least 3.5 months. She grows close to the enemy and vice versa. In the back of her mind, she wanted to join them but she can't go against her word. She forgot that she was a marine for all that time and she acted like her normal self. Dragon grew close to her as if she was his own daughter. He was glad that she was under the care of his father.

Dragon and his crew left 15 days before the marines were supposed to show back up. She waved goodbye with a huge smile across her face. He smirked slightly at her and waved goodbye. "See you later, kid."

She headed back to her room and ate some of the rationed food that she got from the storeroom. She sat on the edge of her bed and started to cry silently as she thought about her mother, father, and Chase, her big brother. "I miss you all so much. I wonder what will happen to me in the next few years? I need to get stronger, I have to get stronger no matter what."

To be continued...

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