Volume 2 Chapter 1: Rescue Mission?

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Previously: Victoria talked to Shanks, and learned more about her mother. She offered to help Ace and fight Blackbeard, out of curiosity and because Ace owes her a favor. "It would be a waste if he died before he did me a favor."

She walked towards the door and walked in with a small smile across her face. "Hey there I'm back." Kaku threw a kitchen knife at her. She grabbed the blade,"Wow, I missed you too." He scoffed and went back to cooking. She smiled happily,"I have good news for you." He turned around to face her. "What is it Victoria?" She chuckled at his rude attitude. "You're my second in command." He froze up and stared at her in shock. "Why?" She pulled him into a hug. "Because I trust you." He tensed up and stayed that way. "I'm sorry I forced you to join my crew, but I did it to benefit you and well also me. But mostly to help you. Believe me if you want but I do care about you. I care about my crew. In my own twisted individual way, but I still care." She walked away waving. "Prepare yourself, we are going to go fight a pirate named Blackbeard." He stood there in silence unable to move or speak.

They arrived at the island but in the distance a group of screaming and panicked people were running towards their ship. "Sun, Kaku, help the people on board and treat their wounds. Moon you are with me."

Moon and Victoria sprinted towards where the people were running from. A dark cloud of smoke came towards them. She looked at Jax. He created a thick barrier of blue clouds around them. She grabbed him by the arm. She leaped into the air, he used his blue clouds to keep them in the air longer. They looked up ahead and saw Ace fighting against the infamous Blackbeard and he was losing miserably.

Just before Ace was killed in cold blood Victoria jumped down and took the hit directly. The dark dark devil fruit power neutralized her devil fruit powers and made her feel weak. She fell forward but stomped on the ground and sent a shockwave towards Blackbeard with her strength alone. She smirked slightly with blood dripping out of her mouth. "Are you alright, Ace?" Ace looked up and went into shock over who was standing in front of him. "Why are you here?" "To save you of course. You still owe me a favor. If you die then you can't return it." He coughed out blood and tried to move but someone was holding him in place. "Heal him up Moon. I got this freak." She walked towards the threatening looking pirate with a serious look in her eyes. "You can't use your Devil fruit powers!" Ace said, worried about her well-being. "Don't worry, I don't need a devil fruit power to win this fight. Unlike you Ace, I don't rely on my powers that much." She disappeared and reappeared behind Blackbeard. Her presence disappeared, he didn't see her coming. She kicked him in the left shoulder breaking his entire arm and sending him flying in a spiral motion. He flew into a pile of rubble, bleeding heavily from his head. She landed gracefully onto the ground radiating dark aura black in color. "Get out of here Moon. Before I accidentally kill you both." He nodded his head and carried Ace on his special blue clouds. "Don't let him die or get hurt by Kaku." Moon saluted and then went back to the ship. She locked back on Blackbeard and broke the ground around her feet. He was glaring at her with darkness seeping out of his back. She grinned sadistically showing her blood covered teeth. "You know what pirate? I'm going to get revenge for Shanks and those who you hurt. As a Marine Vice Admiral, a man like you can't live to see tomorrow! So as a high ranking officer I will kill you right here and right now!" She grabbed her eye-patch and ripped it off. As soon as it hit the ground she dashed towards him with a pissed off expression across her face. He held out his hand and she went flying towards him. She covered herself in Gold Haki Armament. His eyes widened and she headbutted him in the face. He stumbled backward and she kicked him in the stomach so fast that he went flying into and through an entire mountain. She walked towards him breathing heavily, and seething with nothing but bloodlust and rage. He got up from the ground and looked over to where she was but she disappeared, he looked behind him but she wasn't there. She ax kicked him into the dirt ground. He coughed out blood and lost consciousness for a few seconds. He tried to use his power but she grabbed his wrist and ripped it off his body. He screamed out in agony.

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