Ben x Jeff

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angst + fluff requested by: JxstIllusions

(jeff pov)
     Ben and I have been dating for a few months, but we have never done anything past making out. I don't want to push him into anything, but I also want to do things to him. I want so bad to touch him, feel him, make him feel good; i want to fuck him sensless.

(BEN pov)
     Jeff and I make out... a lot. but we never go farther than that. I feel like he doesn't want anymorethan that, and it makes me so angry. I decided to test jeff. masky and toby agree to help me. toby withh take jeff out killing and when they come back, masky and i will be in our room pretending to fuck.

                                                                                       *time skip*

      Toby just took jeff out, Masky and I were sitting on his bed with the door locked, waiting for them to come back. We heard the front door open and close then heard jeff and toby talking while walking up the stairs. "ready?" I whispered to masky. he nodded his head and lifted the blanket. I crawled under and he crawled on top of me, making sure it looked real but not touching me. I slowly lifted my arms and wrapped them around masky's neck. he started bouncing up and down, making the bed creak. now the uncomfortable part; "A-ahhh~ masky" "BEN! fuck" we fake moaned. immedietly the talking outside stopped, but we kept going. "ahh ahh~ fuck, i love you masky~~" "I love you too~" we moaned. next, the door swung open, slamming aganst the wall. masky and I jumped up, and there stood Jeff, tears running down his face with his knife firmly held in his hand. it was silent for a short moment before jeff spoke. it was quiwt, but audiable; "go fuck yourselves" and he walked out.

(Jeff POV)
     I walked out of the room and down the stairs. the tears didn't stop. they just rolled down my cheeks. i felt someone grab my shoulder and turn me around. "I'M SORRY" it was ben, he was crying as well, but i didn't care. " it was a prank, Jeff. a stupid one. i wanted to test you to see if you still loved me, cause you never touch me. But i shouldn't have done it, I'm so so sorry." after he finished, i just looked at him. then, i pulled him to me, hugging him tightly. " you're so stupid, of course i love you. I just.....didn't want to push you into having sex with me." we just smiled and stayed like that for a while.

yay, i finally got it done :D  

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