Jeff x Ben

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(Jeff POV)

To day Slendy told us we could throw a party for pride month, so.........we are decorating the mansion in fucking rainbow. Not only that, but every one is wearing their corresponding colors. Masky, hoodie, and Toby painted their faces rainbow for gay pride. Toby is wearing the trans flag as a cape too. Jane and Clockwork are wearing shirts that look like the lesbian flag. L.J and E.J. are wearing pan colors. Slender's brothers are her as well; Trender has a rainbow shirt on, Splendor is wore a pan shirt, and Offender is wearing a bi flag shirt. Everyone here is very open about their sexuality. All except me. No one here knows I'm gay. Not only that, but I'm in love with Ben. Today I plan to tell everyone I'm gay and tell Ben I'm in love with him.


Today we are have a pride party in the mansion. I'm wearing a gay pride flag over my shoulders. Everyone one was either in the living room or the kitchen. Well, almost everyone. I still haven't seen Jeff yet. I don't think he is even going to celebrate pride with us, seeing as he's straight and all. (unlike me😆😆) I know it's selfish, but I wish he was gay, or at least bi. I've loved him since I first got here. While I was thinking, I notice everyone stop and look at the stairs. I turned and looked. I was extreme surprised and over come with joy with what I saw: It was Jeff, but he was covered in rainbow. Rainbow face paint, shirt, paints and a flag around his shoulders just like mine.

(Jeff POV)

I walked down the stairs and stopped half way I turned to look at everyone and they were starring at me I took a deep breathe trying to calm my anxiety, and started talking.
"Incase you can't take a hint, I'm gay. And I know it might not seem like a big deal, but coming out to people hasn't gone too well for me in the past, so I was nervous to come here, even though all of you are so excepting. So, there, I did it........and now I'm getting really nervous 'cause all of you are starring at me not saying anything." I finished, looking around nervously. I looked down at my feet getting ready to cry, but I heard clapping. I looked up and everyone was clapping and smiling at me. Slender walked up the stairs and put a rainbow gloved hand on my shoulder.
"That was really brave, Jeffery. Even saying something personal to the people you trust most can be hard, but you did it." I looked up at him and smiled(well I always smile, but....)

{[Sometime later]}(Ben POV)

We all had a great time. Right now we were sitting in the living room just relaxing. Clockwork was on Jane's lap as they made out, Toby was sitting across Hoodie and Masky's lap sleeping with his head on masky's shoulder. EJ and LJ were cuddled up on the couch, trender and offender were upstairs, and spledor went to slender's room with him. Me and Jeff were sitting across from each other in the arm chairs. All of a sudden, Jeff stood up.
"Ben. Can I talk to you for a minute?" I nodded and got up, following him upstairs. We walked to his room and he sat on his bed, he patted the spot next to him and I sat down.
"Ok, so I'm not sure how to do this, so here goes. Ben, I have loved you ever since I first saw you. I never thought I was capable of loving anyone until you got here. So, I just thought I would tell you." He finished and I didn't know what to do so I froze. He must have thought I was rejecting him, because he started to get up. Without thinking, I stood up, grabbed the sides of his face and kissed him. At first he was shocked, but then kissed back. When we pulled apart, I looked at him and he looked at me.
"I love you, too"


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