Slender x Jeff

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[Fluff & smut]
     It was a normal day in the mansion: Ben playing video games, masky working and Toby bugging him. The unusual thing was Jeff. Jeff had ben in his room all day. He was going over different ways to tell his boss that he liked him.

      He looked at himself in the mirror and sighed. "Ok, Jeff. You can do this. " He told himself. He walked out of the room and to Slender's office. He held his fist up and knocked on the door. "Come in, Jeffrey. " He slowly opened the door, walked in, and shut it again. "Something you need? " Slender asked. "Umm... Y-yeah. I-uh j-just wanted t-to say that I *whispers* kinda like you.... " He mumbled the last part. "Speak ip, Jeff. " "ISAIDILIKEYOU!! " He all but yelled. Slender just sat there with his none existing eyed fixed on the man in front of him

     He doesn't like me. He turned to walk out as tears started forming in his eyes. He started to turn the handle, when he felt a tendril wrap around his waist. He was lifted into the air and thrown onto a bed. Slender climbed on top of him, and took his lips in a deep kiss. When they broke apart, Jeff could do nothing but stare at the faceless man above him. "W-what are y-you doing? " He asked. "I have trouble putting my feelings into words, so let me show you how much I love you. " With that, Slender started to attack his neck with kisses and sucks. "A-AH" When Jeff moaned, he knew he found his sweet spot. He moved down to his collar bone. He sat up and removed his a Jeff's shirts, then returned his mouth to his collar bone. Jeff moaned as Slender moved down to his chest, taking his right nipple into his mouth while rolling the left in between his fingers. He moved to has stomach, and down to his V-line. He 'looked' up, as if to ask permission. When Jeff nodded, he pulled both their pants and boxers off in one swift motion. He then took Jeff's penis in his hand, moving his hand up and down at a slow pace. He allowed his mother to rip open and took the appendage in whole. He began to bob his head up and down, gradually increasing this speed. "Ah! S-slender! please... I n-need you... NOW! " Jeff's said between moans. Slender removed his mouth from Jeff and spit on his hand. He lined one long finger with Jeff's hole, and slowly slid it in. Jeff winced at the alight pain, but then pushed his ass further onto the intruder. He was getting inpatient. "Slender~ just put it in already. I-i don't mind the pain." He assured. "Alright, but remember: you asked for it."He took his own erection in his hand and yanked it a few times. Slender removed his fingers and lined his twelve inch cock with Jeff's hole. He slowly slid in as he listened to his bottom moan in pain and pleasure. When he was all in, he waited for Jeff to adjust. "M-move" He didn't need to be told twice. Slender started pounding into Jeff, hitting his prostate head on with every thrust. "Uhh~ AAAHH~ Slenderrr~ you feel sooooo~ good~mmm~ i- I love you" Hearing this, Slender came to realise that Jeff enjoyed dirty talk. "Ohh~ look at you... Such a little slut~~~ Ugh- you're so hungry for my cock~~ tell me, have you ever fucked yourself to the thought of me?? Hmmm? ~~ " Oh god ~ YES! yes i-i have~~~ " Jeff moaned in response. "Oh? I bet you have. Sitting in your room, riding a long, thick dildo thinking of me fucking your tight little ass. Ughhh~ now tell me, was the dildo better? ~~" He asked. " AH! no. Y-your big cock is ssssooo much better. " He replied.
      Slender kept slamming into Jeff, causing the bed to rock and bang against the wall. "Ahh~~ i-i'm gon-gonna cum!!" Jeff moaned out. "Me too~~ " Slender said, then got an idea. He me and down and whispered in Jeff's ear. "Call me 'daddy'" He demanded. "AAAHH!! ~~ d-daddy. " He moaned. "Again. Keep saying it" He said in a stern, yet sexual, voice "y-yes, d-daddy. Daddy... Daddy... I-i'm close." He complied. "Say it when you cum. " "Ahh.. Ahhh~~ OHHH~ FUCK.--- YESSSS DADDY~~~~~" Jeff yelled as he came on his and Slender's stomach. A few thrust later, slender came inside Jeff, groaning as he rode out his orgasm. He pulled and layed next to Jeff. Jeff then rolled on top of him and slipped slender's softening dick back into him with a slight moan. He then rested his head on Slender's chest and they both fell asleep, but not before whispering an 'I love you' to each other. 


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