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"HEIMDALL!" Thor yelled, as he gestured for me to take hold of his arm. 

In a matter of seconds a tunnel of light came down from the sky, engulfing us. Before I knew it I was surrounded by thousands of multicolored streams of light.

Only a short moment had passed before we landed in a golden orb. A man stood in the center standing tall with a sword by his side.

"Lady Y/N this is Heimdall. He is the gatekeeper of Asgard. Right where you're standing is called the bifrost. That's how we travel from between realms."

"It's a pleasure to meet you lady Y/N." Heimdall said as he bowed slightly. 

I curtsied awkwardly.

'Well we better be off, much to discuss." Thor chirped. 

With that he held out his arm for me to take it and we quite literally flew over the rainbow bridge. 

The kingdom was breathtaking. Small houses and buildings were spread through out the city, you could see children playing and adults sitting , while talking and laughing together.

 It was peaceful.

 In the middle stood a tall palace of gold, it was unlike any design I had ever seen. It was shaped like a crown; tall in the very middle and descended on an angle by various levels on each side.

We landed softly against the cobble stone steps of the palace.

"This way." Thor took my hand a pulled me into the castle without a second thought. We came upon two large gold doors that Thor pushed open and gestured for me to follow him inside.

The room just like the majority of what I'd seen of the castle was also in gold. It had tall pillars spread throughout the room with few stairs leading up to the throne. 

Seated on the stairs of the throne sat a woman with long light brown hair that fell just past her waist. She looked up at at us upon entering the room and immediately came over to me. 

"Y/N. It's been a long time since I've seen you. I'm Frigga."

I immediately curtsied not knowing what the appropriate greeting was for a queen. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you." I said calmly.

"The pleasure is all mine." She reached out her hands for me to take them, as she guided me to the throne. 

There sat an elderly man with white hair, and beard, holding a spear in his left hand.

I curtsied once again to whom I soon found out was the Odin.

"Lady Y/N it is a pleasure to see you again. It's been many years since you've stepped foot in Asgard. We have a room for you that Frigga will gladly show you to, and some clothes that you can change into as well. You can stay as long as you would like, but you will need to follow our laws."

"Thank you so much, It's a pleasure to be here."

Frigga then took my hands and pulled me towards a hallway. I quickly glanced back to see Thor waving goodbye to me. 

"It's so good to have you back here Y/N, I know it's not what you're used to, but you're more than welcome to stay as long as you'd like. Your rooms just down this hall."

"Thank you, everything's happening very fast right now one second I was kidnapped the next I was here and talking to you and Odin. If it hadn't been for Thor I probably would have died out there."

"I understand. Thor is the first born or my two sons, my second son is Loki. It's a pity you won't get to meet him just yet for he has been sent out on an assignment and won't be getting here until tomorrow." she paused as she handed me the key to my room. "Here we are this is the key to your room, don't hesitate to ask a handmaiden for any assistance you need." 

Indecisive (Loki Laufeyson x Bucky Barnes x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now