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Y/N's POV:

It was just a dance.

Silence consumed the air around us.

A chilling breeze blew against my skin, goosebumps beginning to cover the surface of my forearms.

I placed my hands across my arms, rubbing them to keep warm.

Turning to escape the bitter cold I could have sworn I saw him direct his gaze towards me, but right as I shifted to look one last time he was already facing away.

I left the balcony navigating through the crowded room once more.

Thor and Sif had begun dancing again, and Volstagg and Hogun were nowhere in sight. I took it as my chance to slip out of the ballroom unnoticed.

I wandered the halls of the palace aimlessly for a while before heading towards my room, or so I thought.

Are you kidding me??

I turned down the hall that I assumed led me to my room, but I saw nothing but a blank wall ahead of me.

I was lost.

My hand clutched my forehead as I continued down the hallways, stopping to check each room for mine.

Every room seemed to look the same, each door formed an oval shape that was intricately decorated with the same wooden vines that were carved into them and golden doorknobs.

My ankles ached from my heels and with every step I took I could feel the blisters on my feet scrape against the sides. Moving to take them off I saw a small glow from light in a room just up the hallway. I dragged myself to the door and turned the knob to open it.

It was a library, similar to the one back home.

There was an old couch by the dimly glowing fireplace where I sat down to take my heels off.

I peeled them ever so carefully from my feet and threw them to the floor.

I stood up to kneel by the fire moving my hands quickly against each other to generate heat. I peered across the room once again before walking back to the couch.

Pacing around the room, scanning the hundreds of bookshelves that lined each wall before seating myself back down.

I lifted my legs one after the other slowly onto it before laying my head down on the cotton pillow that rests at the end.

The heat from the small fire was enough to warm me without a blanket, therefore I rested my eyes; slowly opening and closing them to prevent me from falling into a deep slumber.

After some time my eyelids grew heavy and a weight of exhaustion came over me.  Just like that, I was out cold.

Loki's POV:

I stood at the edge of the balcony, hands against the metal bar that wrapped around the wide bent shape it created; overlooking the tall, dark forest that stood in front of it.

Lost in my thoughts.

I could have sworn I heard her voice from behind me, but as I twisted my head to catch sight of her she had already turned away.

The sound of her heels against the marble floor slowly fades as she exits.

She's a stupid girl, foolish to think that a dance held any meaning to me.

Walking back to the ball I saw so no reason to stay, I emerged from the room and continued my way to the library.

Upon arriving there I could see the door slightly ajar. Cautiously pushing it open I took the two long knives that were slipped into the sides of my boots into my palms.

Indecisive (Loki Laufeyson x Bucky Barnes x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now