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TW: mature content

Y/N's POV:

"Move and I'll cut your throat." came that same scratchy voice I'd heard not too long ago. It didn't take me long to match it to the masked man with blue eyes.

My brows furrowed with confusion. I was quick to snap out of it before checking who was around me.

I could see a pair of dark shoes at the end of the bed and I had no doubt that there was another pair either at the door or somewhere close by.

"Now, I'm going to pull this away from your neck and we'll have a civilized conversation, scream and it's through your heart." he continued, I could feel the edge of the sharp metal, cool against my skin as he increased the pressure of it on my neck before pulling it away.

My blood was pounding in my ears, heart racing I began to sit up slowly and further assess my surroundings. Two tall figures stood on either side of the room: the masked man beside me a long cloak hanging around his shoulders, and the others in tight fit clothing that blended with the night.

I knew that I could survive any cut that might not be too deep, but anything other than that, I wasn't sure.

"What is it that you want?" I start, turning my body towards him as I began to back away.

"What is it that I want?," he paced forward, "Well, vengeance? Torture? Or maybe it's because after our little encounter earlier today I was jumped and beaten in the back alley way." he flipped his knife.

I eyed the figures around the room before landing back on him, "And I suppose you think I had something to do with this?"

He scoffed, "I'm sure you ran right back to your little friend and told him all about it."

"Why is it that you think that I can't have a conversation without reporting it back to him? He's not my keeper."

"You sure act like he is."

A fly began buzzing near my ear as I swatted it away, pushing myself off the bed and steadying my legs. Then I heard a voice...

Close your eyes.

And I knew, in that moment how this would end.

I stood, hands on my waist and looked around the room, "Really?," I began, stepping closer myself, "Because it seems to me that the only one taking residence in this room is me, but by all means conspire and come up with any other fake scenarios of what actually happened if it helps you sleep better, but just remember—"

Before I could finish my sentence Loki appeared out of no where, blades in each hand.

"Surprise." he smiled, craning his neck to the side. With a flick of his wrists he had both daggers imbedded into the chest cavities of the hooded figures stationed around the masked man.

Their eyes turned dull, and lifeless as the red liquid began to seep into their clothes and drip onto the floor. Their bodies, now completely limp, fell to the ground with a thud. I stared at them for a moment a little in shock from what had just happened.

"Now," he walked over to the bodies and pulled from the handles, blood coating the edges of the blades. He pulled a cloth from inside a pocket in his suit and wiped them clean before sheathing one at his side. The other he held in his right hand, flipping it as he brought it close to the stunned, last man standing, "Are we going to have a problem?"

"N-no." he whispered, head down as he surveyed what had just happened, eyes flicking between either body.

"Excellent, now leave." cold faced he turned towards the door, arm stretched, finger pointed. The man hurried quickly out the door not bothering to shut it behind him.

Indecisive (Loki Laufeyson x Bucky Barnes x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now