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Bucky's POV:

I knew it wasn't going to be okay.

I could see it in her eyes.

I knew that the moment I was pulled from the room, our lives would change forever. 

"Ready to comply?" a soldiers voice called from in front of me and yet... I still felt the same.

My mind felt my own.

I gave myself all of 3 seconds to pull myself together and play the part I had come all too familiar with.

The mind control hadn't worked.

In a matter of seconds, another officer came from one of the dark alcoves in the room, stepping closer towards me as two bodyguards flanked him on either side.

"Place his hands in restraints." he began, and I felt my heart stop in my chest. I kept my face cool and livid as I stilled my body on the spot. "and place him into his confinement. Display the screen and put the collar on."

The body guards stepped forward, each with a different object in hand. The left held black restraints in one hand and the right a thick, black collar. I made no movements as I was ordered to hold out my arms and have the restraints placed on my wrists.

"Get into the room and stay there, I want to see what it will take to break the winter soldier."

I clenched my teeth as I began walking towards a dark confined cell across the room. It was standard and small: four black walls surrounding the space and a chair sitting in the centre in front of a screen. No exits besides the one behind me.

"I want him to watch it all play out, now let's begin."

Standing in front of me was a man, 5'9, muscular and around my size, dressed... in my clothes.

I kept my eyes forward and unwavering.

"See this here Winter Soldier," he announced, lifting a small clear mask-like veil. "this is a photostatic veil."

I slowly walked to the chair and lowered myself into it before dragging my eyes to meet his. "This is Augustus Gray, he will be your body double for today's activities."

Gray.... Gray? Why does that sound familiar?

"Sound familiar? Well, aren't you in for a surprise. Augustus here is- was a S.H.I.E.L.D agent but, has recently changed career paths." he finished smiling greedily.

He gestured for Augustus to step forward, as he placed the veil on his head. Right before my eyes his face morphed... into me.

I blinked twice which was the only sign of shock that I'd let show. Augustus stepped forward once more, his eyes landing on mine. "Hello, Winter Soldier." he smiled.

I looked back at the man behind him. I knew of the photostatic veil, and what it was used for but why not just use me to complete his tasks instead of creating a new me to do it instead?

And that's when it clicked. I don't know how I didn't figure it out sooner, the resemblance is uncanny.

Augustus Gray is Y/N's father.

Oh shit.

My eyes grew wide with realization but I quickly shut down the thought before I got caught. Before I could say anything the collar was put around my neck. I could hear the buzzing sound coming the collar and in the blink of an eye a surging pain coursed through my neck and flowed through my entire body.

"Now, here are the rules: you react, you get electrocuted. You tense, you get electrocuted. You get the picture?"

I stayed quiet and averted my gaze back to the screen. It turned on and there she was. Standing in the cage trying to talk to her mother. She looked a mess.

Her hair was messy and her eyes were puffy and red from crying. She clutched onto the bars, her knuckles turning white as she lowered herself to her mother's level.

"Watch the screen and don't go anywhere and you should be fine." he yelled behind him before shutting the door and locking it.

I only stared at her, my eyes never leaving her face.

They walked into the room. Her eyes going to min—her fathers. She began screaming but I couldn't hear what she was saying. I began struggling in the chair but was immediately shocked by the collar around my neck.

Augustus walked to where her mom lay, grabbed her and lifted her to her feet before shooting her. I wanted to struggle with the restraints but I couldn't. I needed to make her seem like she wasn't a weakness and that I was still under his control.

Y/N's was frantically crying and banging against the bars and yelling vulgar language of what I could only assume I didn't want to hear but worst of all...

She thought it was me.


This chapter is smaller, and i'm so sorry it's taken so long but this is an important part of the story, also thank you all so much for 6.5k!

Indecisive (Loki Laufeyson x Bucky Barnes x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now