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I feel myself drag away from the dizzy blackness and reopen my eyes, I blacked out for about 5 seconds, and my lungs felt like there was a weight on it, struggling for breath, I weakly call out "help" I whisper hoarsely, I was exhausted, wait, no, I just woke up around half an hour ago, how could I be this tired? Stumbling, I reach a tipped over desk, I hide behind it, the flames making me drench my clothes in sweat, I scream, the flames explode, and I hide behind the desk, gritting my teeth, peering over the desk, the flames have grown, but the explosion has caused a small entrance, but it was right by the flames, but it was my only way out, screaming, I run and jump, the flames lick my feet and hair, burning, but not scorching me, I tuck and roll clumsily down a hill, my hands were out of control, hitting the ground as I rolled, finally, I came to a stop.

I groan, there wasn't any water, or Gladers in sight, my voice was to hoarse to call out, and my lungs felt like the smoke was still in it, swirling around, wheezing, I look around, I walk to the Medjacks hut, no one, I go to the kitchen and see water, I stumble over and grab it, gulping it down, then ripping the rest onto my head, it felt nice, the cold water run down my burns, I pull my hair up, It was a little burnt, but not by much, my head seemed a little more clear, and my voice seemed to clear from a hoarse wheeze, to a weak, but normal, voice, I call out again, this time, my call rang across the glade, but no one answers, I walk to the entrance, there seemed to be footprints, like there was a struggle there.

Bits of dirt formed a trail, like a big group was running from something, what from? That still remains unknown.

It seems to go on for about another five minutes, that's when I heard shouting and one singular girl scream up ahead, the Gladers, and they were in trouble.


Sorry for the short chapter! I've been having a really bad writers block recently! I'll try and update more often!

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