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I scream, I probably shouldn't have, but I did, it jumped down in between Thomas and I, I could hear him telling me to run, but my legs felt like two pieces of wood, unable to walk, the griever loomed over me, it's needles and tools ready to impale my body, it looks at me, without hesitation, it takes one of its "syringes" and stabs me right in the leg and I black out.

It looks like nighttime by the time I wake, wait, it feels fuzzy, someone brushes the hair from my face "Allie?" They ask, it feels like I can't move, like they took everything, wait, no, I remember something, my sister "Allie, Before you go there, there's one thing you must remember, Wicked is good"

I wake up again, in a house, I blink, it's hot, really hot, I start sweating "mom?" I ask, peaking out to the hall, there was my dad over my mom, a knife to her throat, she screamed as he dug it into her neck, killing her, I scream for him to stop, but he doesn't, he keeps going crazy, yelling and crying, there was something wrong with him, he looked almost red, like he was burnt, but the sun wasn't out, then I realize, he isn't Burt... It's blood, my father, standing proudly beside my dead mother, the blood glistening in the now sunny morning, my sister came out of her bedroom door, she was two years older, she was eighteen and I was sixteen, she saw me screaming and followed my gaze over to the horrific sight, that's when my father took the knife and threw it at me, I dodged, but I felt my cheek burning in pain, that's when the people in white turned up, with big guns, and shot one straight through my fathers chest.

I wake to see myself in a plain white room, I sit up and instantly regret that, shooting pain went to my head, I push the pain to the side and look at my surroundings, there is a boy beside me, he looks about thirteen, curly brown hair, the name comes to my mouth before I could think about it "Chuck" he's hooked up to machines, taking his memory away, taking his memory of his friends, family, life, everything, it looks painful, but he doesn't feel it, I watch sadly, this will happen to me, very soon, in about a month, and I will have to watch all of it, because I helped, I helped Teresa and Thomas create the maze, and put all these kids in, watching the "kill zone" do its thing.

I wake to not a memory, not anything, it feels like I'm in hell, it's red and hot, but I know I'm not, because I'm not dead, at least I think, standing, I realize where I am, I'm where my house used to be, this was when they aloud us to see what the cranks did, what the flare has done to our world, and now, I don't want those bad times back in my thoughts, so I watch the others who used to live in my neighborhood, cry themselves until they collapse, my sister watches beside me "do you think our father went to-" my sister cuts me off "hell? No, he didn't even have his right mind when he... You know, just put a knife through our mothers neck" she shrugged "I'm glad your still alive, you look like he's" she told me, I had straight brown hair, green/blue eyes, and apparently, I got my fathers attitude, his humerus jokes, and his smart thinking, whereas, my sister had dark hair and blue eyes "I'm glad your alive too, Teresa"

[]OOOOOHHHHH yes you can punish me for leaving it there, anyway, happy new year! I'm glad you guys like this story! I will be continuing this in 2015, and I will continue it like the Scorch trials, all that good stuff, and to you all that might be confused, yes Teresa is Allies sister, just thought I would say that again because I'm proud of myself for thinking of that plot twist 😂, anyway, I might write one more before the end of New Year's Eve, but who knows![]

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