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The screaming continued, running now, I turn the corner to see the Grievers and the Gladers fighting, I look through the crowd for a particular Blonde haired boy, and found him fighting next to Chuck. Teresa screamed again, I looked over at her direction to see her watching one of the Gladers get dragged off the cliff by a falling Griever. Running towards a Griever, I pick a machete off the ground and throw it at a griever in front of me, it squealed, reeling towards the cliff, I grabbed the knife before it fell, but the knife was stuck... Gritting my teeth, I pull hard. Closer and closer I get towards the edge, the griever cries out, and so do I, it drags be over the cliff, and I let all my terror out into a blood curling scream.

The plan was I hold back the Grievers from Thomas and Teresa, while they put the code in, that didn't work, so now we try to kill as many as we can, my machete killed Griever after Griever, and they all die with the same metallic scream.

It seems like forever, but there are only what seems like 10 grievers, and as I cut an arm off of one, it squeals, but over that, I hear a scream, one so full of terror, it turns heads, and what I see is something I will never want to see. What I see is Allie get dragged over the cliff by a Griever.

Sorry for the short chapter! I just wanted to update, I'm so sorry for the lack of updates! I've been really busy! But now Spring break is here, I won't be that busy now!

Do you think Allie is dead?
Why did Newt leave her behind?

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